Prepare your garden tools for winter and add years to their life.

As winter approaches, many of you are hard at work preparing your garden for 
cold weather. Hopefully, you've already planted that cover crop, applied a
fresh layer of mulch and prepared your cold frames for fresh winter greens 
. You know that a little winter prep can really pay off when spring arrives, 
but don't forget that your garden tools need
a little TLC as well. Here are some tips on how to keep them in great shape 
while they await the return of warm, sunny days.
* Remove all dried or caked-on dirt with a wire brush, rinse and dry 
thoroughly. (Soak especially dirty tools in water first.)
* Sharpen dull tools using a whetstone or file. Working at a 45-degree angle, 
start at the outer edge and move toward the center.
* Sand off any rust spots with fine sandpaper or steel wool, and coat the metal 
with vegetable oil.
* Wipe a light coating of linseed oil or paste wax on wooden handles to 
preserve them and prevent cracking or splitting.
* Store hand trowels and other small tools in a bucket of sand soaked in oil to 
further deter rust, and hang rakes and shovels in an easy-to-access spot.
* Bring water hoses in out of the weather and ensure that they're properly 
drained and coiled correctly (not kinked). Repair leaks with a hose repair kit
which you can get at your local home or garden store. There's no need to buy a 
new hose - even leaky fittings can be replaced with minimal time, money
and effort.
* On your mower, be sure to clean and sharpen the blades (residue can encourage 
rust. Avoid storing gasoline in your mower over the winter; transfer it
to your car's engine instead.
That is if it is not 2 stroke fuel.

Good tools are expensive. Take good care of yours and they'll contribute to 
many years of productive gardening. Looking to replace one that's beyond repair?
Try the
Freecycle Network
or visit garage sales in your area.

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