We have a 6.5 K W gasoline powered, portable 2 cylinder, water cooled Honda 
generator, which pretty much runs everything electrical in the house except the 
220 V clothe dryer. This unit burns just under 1 gallon of gass per hour.  We 
usually try to run the generator 1 out of every 2 hours, so we use about 11 
gallons in a 24 hour period.  Even at to days gasoline prices, paying $35.00 a 
day makes better scents than letting the food in the freezer spoil or letting 
the pipes freeze in cold weather.  .  


Paul Franklin


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lee A. Stone 
  To: Blind Handyman 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 9:59 AM
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] cost of running a generator-Cy

  I believe the numbers someone gave you are a bit high Cy. However I 
  suppose if someone is running a really really big machine which will 
  take care of electric heat that could be more expensive. However to run 
  a moble home. no way.. Unless we are running our sumps we rarely leave 
  the generator running for more than three hours at a time. the last 
  time we ran any generator for more than that was in October of 87 when 
  we pumped water rfor almost 32 hours. we only stopped then to refuel 
  and to change the oil once. That year we had borrowed the generator 
  from a friend and it was an old military generator with two handles , 
  as in for a two man operation.. One problem with owning a generator is 
  liking owning a pickup truck. someone wants to borrow it and return it 
  with an empty fuel tank . speaking of generators, this morning after the 
  turkey entered the oven no more than 5 minutes we lost power but before 
  I had a chance to get dressed. walllaa the power is back on. Merry 
  Christmas all.Lee

  Just close your eyes, tap your heels together three times, and think to
  yourself, `There's no place like home.'
  -- Glynda the Good


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