NewsChannel Nashville, Tennessee - DTV FAQs

What is the Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Assistance Program?
On February 18, 2009, full power television stations will stop analog
broadcasting and transition to digital broadcasting. Households that do
not subscribe
to cable or satellite services will need either a television set capable
of receiving DTV programming, or a digital-to-analog converter box.

Digital-to-analog converter boxes will make DTV signals viewable on
analog TV sets. These converter boxes will be available in retail stores
during the

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of
the U.S. Department of Commerce is developing rules that will allow
to obtain coupons that can be applied toward the purchase of
digital-to-analog converter boxes. For more information on the
Digital-to-Analog Converter
Box Assistance Program click on
NTIA's frequently asked questions.

What is the digital TV transition?
The switch from analog TV (the traditional TV system using magnetic
waves to transmit and display TV pictures and sound) to digital
television (the new
TV system using information transmitted as "data bits" -- like a
computer -- to display movie-quality pictures and sound), is referred to
at the digital
TV (DTV) transition.

In 1996, the U.S. Congress authorized the distribution of an additional
broadcast channel to each TV broadcaster so that they could introduce
DTV service
while simultaneously continuing their analog TV broadcasts. In addition
to improved picture and sound quality, an important benefit of DTV is
that it will
free up parts of the broadcast spectrum for public safety as well as
other valuable uses. This is possible because the modern technology of
DTV is more
efficient than analog TV technology.

DTV allows the same number of stations to broadcast using fewer total
channels (less of the broadcast spectrum) which will free up scarce and
valuable spectrum
for public safety and new wireless services.

What is the February 17th, 2009 DTV deadline date?
Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for
the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will
broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17,
2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop. Analog TVs receiving
over-the-air programming
will still work after that date, but owners of these TVs will need to
buy converter boxes to change digital broadcasts into analog format.
Converter boxes
will be available from consumer electronic products retailers at that
time. Cable and satellite subscribers with analog TVs should contact
their service
providers about obtaining converter boxes for the DTV transition.

What is digital television (DTV)?
Digital television (DTV) is a new type of broadcasting technology that
will transform television as we now know it.  By transmitting the
information used
to make a TV picture and sound as "data bits" (like a computer), a
digital broadcaster can carry more information than is currently
possible with analog
broadcast technology.

For example, the technology allows the transmission of pictures with
higher resolution for dramatically better picture and sound quality than
available - called High Definition Television (HDTV) -   or the
transmission of several "standard definition" TV programs at once -
called "multicasting."
 "Standard definition" digital TV pictures would be similar in clarity
and detail to the best TV pictures being received and displayed today
using the
current analog broadcast system and TV receivers.

DTV technology can also be used to provide interactive video and data
services that are not possible with "analog" technology.

What is analog television?
Analog television service is the traditional TV system.  Analog
television has been the standard broadcast technology since the
inception of television
using magnetic waves to transmit and display pictures and sound.  The
best obtainable picture using analog television is of SDTV quality.
Analog broadcasting
will continue until the end of the transition period, which currently is
set for February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue
both analog and digital programming until then.

How will digital television be different than the current analog
DTV allows a number of new and better services.  With HDTV, broadcasters
can offer far higher resolution and picture quality than exists with
Analog technology.
 Or, they can offer several different TV programs at the same time, with
pictures and sound quality equal to or better than is generally
available today.
 In addition, broadcasters can simultaneously transmit a variety of
other information through a data bitstream to both enhance the TV
programming and to
provide entirely new services.

What is high definition TV (HDTV)?  How is it different from analog
HDTV is a name given to two of the digital television (DTV) formats.
HDTV provides high resolution programming.  A current analog TV picture
is made up
of horizontal lines on the picture screen; an HDTV picture can have more
than twice as many lines, allowing for stunning picture detail.

HDTV uses a "widescreen format."  "Widescreen format" refers to an
image's aspect ratio, which is a comparison of screen width to screen
height.  Analog
television has an aspect ratio of 4 by 3, which means the screen is 4
units wide by 3 units high. The aspect ratio of HDTV is 16 by 9, similar
to a movie
theater screen.

HDTV programs can include Dolby Digital surround sound, the same digital
sound system used in many movie theaters and DVDs. HDTV uses the same
amount of
bandwidth (the size of the communications channel) as the current analog
system, but with HDTV, about six times more information is transmitted.
capability translates to much better quality in picture and sound.

Is HDTV the same thing as DTV?
No. HDTV is the highest quality of DTV, but it is only one of many
formats.  In addition to HDTV, the most common formats are Standard
Definition Television
(SDTV) and Enhanced Definition Television (EDTV).

SDTV is the baseline display and resolution for both analog and digital.
Transmission of SDTV may be in either the traditional (4:3) or
wide-screen (16:9)

EDTV is a step up from Analog Television.  EDTV  comes in widescreen
(16:9) or traditional (4:3) format and provides better picture quality
than SDTV, but
not as high as HDTV.

Why are we switching to DTV?
DTV is a more flexible and efficient technology than the current analog
system.  For example, rather than being limited to providing one
"analog" programming
channel, a broadcaster will be able to provide a super sharp "high
definition" (HDTV) program or multiple "standard definition" DTV
programs simultaneously.
 Providing several program streams on one broadcast channel is called
"multicasting."  The number of programs a station can send on one
digital channel
depends on the level of picture detail, also known as "resolution,"
desired in each programming stream.  DTV can provide interactive video
and data services
that are not possible with "analog" technology.

Converting to DTV will also free up parts of the scarce and valuable
broadcast airwaves.  Those portions of the airwaves can then be used for
other important
services, such as advanced wireless and public safety services (for
example, police, fire departments, and rescue squads).

Once broadcasters transition from analog to digital, will analog
televisions will be obsolete?
No. Set-top boxes which convert digital signals to analog signals are
available now and will continue to be available at lower prices to
consumers as the
transition progresses. However, to enjoy the full benefits of Digital
TV, including superior sound and clarity, you must own a Digital TV set.
An analog
television, with the addition of a set-top box, will still allow viewers
to enjoy all of the programming they have always enjoyed.

How do I get DTV or HDTV?
Receiving the DTV and HDTV signals over-the-air requires an antenna and
a new DTV receiver that can decode the digital signals.  In general, an
that provides quality reception of over-the-air analog TV signals will
work for DTV reception.

If you are a cable or satellite customer, you may need a set-top box to
receive DTV signals and convert them into the format of your current
analog television,
even after the DTV transition is complete. A DTV set-top box also may
receive multicast channels and high definition programming and display
them in analog
picture quality.

Check with your cable or satellite provider to determine if and when you
will need a set-top box. A listing of the operational DTV stations is
Satellite TV providers and most cable systems are currently offering DTV
programming.  Subscribers should check with their service providers to
see what
programming is available in their area.

What is the difference between integrated DTVs and DTV monitors?
An Integrated DTV set is a digital television with a built-in digital
decoder or DTV receiver. If you have an Integrated DTV and live in an
area served
by a DTV broadcast station, you will not need any additional equipment,
with the exception of an antenna (preferably an outdoor antenna) to
receive over-the-air
DTV broadcast programming. Integrated TVs can usually receive and
display current analog signals.

In contrast, a DTV monitor is not capable of receiving DTV broadcast
programming without additional equipment; it is simply a display device
without the
processing capability for DTV reception. A DTV set-top decoder must be
connected between the antenna and the monitor to receive and display
DTV programming. Confirm with your retailer that the DTV receiver or
set-top decoder is compatible with the DTV monitor that you are
purchasing.  Most
monitors have a built in analog receiver and can display regular analog
TV programming.  They can also display standard resolution video from
DVD players
and VCRs.

Will I need a special antenna to receive DTV over-the-air?
In general, dependable reception of DTV will require the same type of
signal reception equipment that currently works to provide good quality
of analog TV signals.  If you now need a roof-top antenna to receive
television, the same antenna generally will be needed to receive DTV.

Will I need a new TV?
Your current television will work as it does now until analog
broadcasting stops. Even after the transition is over, your current TV
will not become obsolete.
 A converter box can be used to receive broadcast DTV signals and change
them into the format of your current television.  In addition, if you
use your
analog set with a multichannel pay service like cable or satellite, it
will continue to work as it always has.  Even with a converter box,
however, your
current analog television will not be capable of displaying the full
picture quality of DTV.  To enjoy the full picture quality, you must
have a DTV set.
Subscribers to cable and DBS services should contact their providers
regarding converter boxes for those services.

What do DTV sets look like and what will they cost?
Most DTV sets have wider, more rectangular screens than current analog
TVs. This widescreen format allows for images that are more like those
shown in a
movie theater.  Like current TV sets, a range of sizes is available. As
with most new consumer electronics technologies, DTV sets have become
less expensive
since their introduction.  Prices are expected to continue to decrease
over time and will vary depending on screen size, display technology,
and other
features. For more information see the chart on
Digital Television Types.

Can I see a big difference between analog TV and DTV?
Yes. Viewers cannot ignore the dramatic improvements offered by the DTV
conversion. Visually, HDTV captures viewers with crystal clear
resolution and razor
sharp detail. Individual hairs, labels on footballs and the subtle
effect of wind blowing through grass are all clearly visible through
HDTV. Also, the
detailed resolution and color provides an image akin to movie-theater
screens. Combined with the capacity to deliver enhanced Dolby Digital
surround sound,
HDTV produces an advanced home theater effect. DTV provides viewers with
sharper images, better sound, and more viewing options than have ever
been available
over the air.

How much better is the quality of HDTV than analog TV?
Currently, television pictures are made up of lines that are scanned
horizontally. HDTV pictures are created by scanning up to twice as many
lines.  This
resolution and other technical factors improve the sharpness of the
pictures, allowing you to read on your television screen small text
commonly seen on
your computer.  HDTV sets have wider, movie-theater like screens that
more closely resemble human peripheral vision, making it more natural to

What about my VCR, DVD player and camcorder?  Will I be able to use them
with an HDTV set?
HDTV sets are "backward compatible," meaning existing analog equipment
(VCRs, DVD players, camcorders, video games, etc.) will work on digital
TV sets,
but not in high definition.  Their video will be displayed in the
maximum resolution that is available with each product.

When will the DTV transition be complete?
The final transition is February 2009.  At that point, broadcasting the
current "analog" channels will end and that spectrum will be put to
other uses.
 Until the transition to DTV is complete, television stations will
continue broadcasting on both their digital and analog channels.

Do I already have DTV via digital cable or satellite?
You may have DTV if you subscribe to the digital package and get digital
programming, often described as HDTV. But the digital cable tier and
service are not necessarily DTV. Your cable or satellite system may be
using digital technology as a more efficient way of delivering analog
to you. If you have an analog television set, then you are probably not
getting DTV, even though the reception may be somewhat improved. Check
with your
cable or satellite provider to find out for sure.


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