It works for me much better and faster to boot.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Larry Stansifer 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:10 AM
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] FW: [JAWS-Users] [JAWS] New Google accessible search 
for blind/visually impaired

  Here is an alternative to wading through all of those graphics laden web
  sites before we can find that tool or part we really want. I have played
  with it just a bit and found it to be pretty clean and quick.

  First I will past the link then under the link I will post the information.

  Read the information before using the link.

  Accessible Search FAQ

  What is Google Accessible Search?
  Accessible Search is an early Google Labs product designed to identify and
  prioritize search results that are more easily usable by blind and visually
  impaired users. Regular Google search helps you find a set of documents that
  is most relevant to your tasks. Accessible Search goes one step further by
  helping you find the most accessible pages in that result set.

  How does Accessible Search work?
  In its current version, Google Accessible Search looks at a number of
  signals by examining the HTML markup found on a web page. It tends to favor
  pages that degrade gracefully --- pages with few visual distractions and
  pages that are likely to render well with images turned off. Google
  Accessible Search is built on Google Co-op's technology, which improves
  search results based on specialized interests.

  Why is Google offering this?
  Accessible Search is a natural and important extension of Google's overall
  mission to better organize the world's information and make it universally
  accessible. Google Accessible Search is designed to help the visually
  impaired find the most relevant, useful and comprehensive information, as
  quickly as possible.

  In the past, visually impaired Google users have often waded through a lot
  of inaccessible websites and pages to find the required information. Our
  goal is to provide a more useful and accessible web search experience for
  the blind and visually impaired.

  How do you decide which sites are "accessible" and which are not? Broadly,
  Google defines accessible websites and pages as content that the blind and
  visually impaired can use and consume using standard online technology, and
  we've worked with a number of organizations to determine which websites and
  pages meet those criteria. Our methods for identifying accessible pages and
  content are always evolving; Currently we take into account several factors,
  including a given page's simplicity, how much visual imagery it carries and
  whether or not its primary purpose is immediately viable with keyboard

  How can sites make their content more accessible to the blind? Some of the
  basic recommendations on how to make a website more usable and accessible
  include keeping Web pages easy to read, avoiding visual clutter
  -- especially extraneous content -- and ensuring that the primary purpose of
  the Web page is immediately accessible with full keyboard navigation. There
  are many organizations and online resources that offer Website owners and
  authors guidance on how to make websites and pages more accessible for the
  blind and visually impaired. The W3C publishes numerous guidelines including
  Web Content Access Guidelines that are helpful for Website owners and
  authors. Broad adherence to these guidelines is one way of ensuring that
  sites are universally accessible.

  Does Accessible Search Filter Out Inaccessible Content?
  No. First of all accessible is a very subjective measure --- what's more,
  queries can vary widely with respect to how accessible the results are. As
  an example, if you are looking for information such as weather forecasts or
  reference material such as the definition of an unfamiliar term, the result
  set often consists of both accessible and inaccessible content. In these
  cases, Google Accessible Search promotes those results that have been
  measured to be more accessible. On the other hand, if the particular query
  is about video games, the chances are fairly high that a majority of the
  best results for that query will be visually busy pages. So in the final
  analysis, we never filter content in Google Accessible Search; we pick the
  best results exactly as we do with regular Google search, and then re-order
  the top results by their level of accessibility.

  The Result Set Looks Identical To Regular Search?
  The operational word in the above question is looks. Google Accessible
  Search does not in any way change the look and feel of Google search
  results. What it does (see earlier question) is to re-order results based on
  how accessible they are.

  Navigating Search Results
  After Google Accessible Search was launched, many of our users sent us
  feedback about the results page (both Google Accessible and regular search)
  being difficult to navigate with screenreaders. In response, we have updated
  the results page in both cases to have section headers that can be used in
  conjunction with screenreader hotkeys to quickly skim through the page.
  Thus, once Google has responded to your search query, use your access
  technology's "move by section" keys to move between the section that
  displays sponsored ads and the individual results.

  How Can I Perform More Complex Searches?
  Notice that
  has a link to Advanced Search
  in addition to the simple text box. Use this link to access Google Advanced
  Search --- this provides you the ability to focus your search on documents
  in a specific language. The resulting search will continue to use Google
  Accessible Search for ordering the results.

  How Can I Compare Regular Search With Google Accessible?
  Google Accessible Search is an experiment, and to be an effective
  experiment, end-users need to be able to easily compare the results obtained
  by using regular Google search vs Google Accessible. Notice that the top of
  the results page contains a pair of radio buttons labeled Web Search and
  Accessible Search you can easily repeat your search by pressing the
  appropriate radio button and clicking on the submit button.

  How Can I Make My Site Rank Higher?
  And finally, for the ever popular question that everyone likes to ask. As
  with regular search, the best thing you can do with respect to making your
  site rank highly is to create good content. In fact you can think of
  GoogleBot as the world's most influential blind user --- the content that
  matters most to our indexing technology --- good quality text --- is what
  blind users hear when using spoken output. I highly recommend Google's
  Guidelines for Webmasters as a starting point. Once you've ensured you've
  fully addressed these, I'd suggest reviewing your content to see how well it
  degrades gracefully with respect to end-user abilities. As a simple example,
  try the following additional checks (in addition to viewing the page in
  text-only mode as suggested by the Google Webmaster Guidelines):

  Try browsing your site on a monochrome display
  Try using your site without a mouse
  How Can I Make Accessible Search My Default Home Page
  Here is the short answer for IE and Firefox. Assuming that you are on the
  Accessible Search page, the following key sequence: Alt+t, o, Alt+c, Enter
  should make that your default home page. This sequence is the same for both
  IE and Firefox.

  Here is a more detailed explanation of what the above achieves.

  On IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, and under the General tab in the Home
  Page area, click the "Use Current" button. Note that the General tab is the
  default tab when Internet Options first comes up.

  On Firefox, go to Tools, Options, and under the Main tab in the Startup
  area, click the "Use Current Pages" button. Note that the Main tab is the
  default tab when Options first comes up.

  Google Home - Accessible Search - Feedback - Terms of Use

  C2007 Google Inc.

  Visit the JAWS Users List home page at: Address
  for the list archives:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To post to this group, send email to 
  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to 
  For help from Mailman with your account Put the word help in the subject or
  body of a blank message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Use the following form in order to contact the management team
  If you wish to join the Blind Computing list send a blank email to the
  following address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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