thanks R J for helping out another and you may just hafve saved him an 
early trip to a nursing home. Maybe he has another neighbor who could 
say in a years time get a coat of stain or something on the good you and 
friends did.Lee

 On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 01:55:20PM -0400, RJ wrote:
> Been on a vacation near Chicago for a couple of weeks and heard  my blind 
> friend,  fall again, trying to navigate his steps to his porch. Been trying 
> to talk him into a ramp for the last two years, and finally talked his wife 
> and him into letting me build the ramp. Yesterday, I talked my two neighbor 
> girls, that I been helping over the last year to come along for the 
> experience and a sighted friend to do the cutting to save time. Things 
> worked out pretty good, all considered. Had my wife making 
> spaghetti/meatballs with a side salad. The friends wife getting the material 
> I forgot to get, as we build a 4 x 8 foot deck, coming off the porch and a 
> pat the sidewalk. Than a 3ft-4 inch wide  by 10foot ramp.  Didn't have the 
> area to build the ramp to code, but he seem to be able to use the 2 inch 
> drop per foot without problems. With the railing and all, it only took us 
> about 4.5 hours to finish the project, railing in all. 

The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but
that's the way to bet.
                -- Damon Runyon
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