Man you aren't kidding. My wife and I take all the curtains and such  
down usually twice a year and man those puppies are really nasty. I  
mean just dusty and the like. Partly cause one set of curtains has  
these holes all over it, you can't see through them, but that's the  
best way I can describe it. What was interesting is the shades we had  
up there really were not very dusty at all. Now we put in the cellular  
blinds and hopefully they will be equally as easy to keep clean.
Of course with three dogs, you can bet they contribute their own dust  
and the like. grin

On Jul 26, 2008, at 12:47 PM, Tom Fowle wrote:

> Linda,
> Blinds do two basic things, keep people from seeing in,
> and keep sun out.
> What kind you have is your choice. Curtains do much the same thing,
> except they can be better at keeping heat out if that's
> an issue for you.
> Depending on the curtain, they can surely keep people from seeing in.
> One difference between your work place and home might be
> there could be better air filtering at work and thus less dust
> to accumulate on the blinds there. I've seen aluminum
> slatted blinds with lots dust on them but as you say
> they might be easier to clean than the plastic.
> I don't know of any easy way to take that type of
> blind down, as they're usually put up with
> screws.
> You might try a little white vinegar in water for cleaning
> the plastic ones, but yes they're known as a pain
> to clean.
> Of course curtains can get grungy too but if you
> choose the correct hanging systems, can be taken down and
> washed. It's still a job.
> Tom Fowle

Scott Howell

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