Hi Claudia,
There are so many ways to
deal with a touch screen on the microwave.  Loc dots are nice and some 
folks put them on in the form of the pattern of five on dice.  You ten 
a less cluttered screen that way.  Rita 
On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Claudia wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thanks for all of your suggestions.
> I do plan to also contact Wal-Mart, to inform them of this issue with
> Hamilton Beach!
> I had to go out and purchase another microwave last night; I bought an
> Emerson, and it has a touch screen, but they all do.
> I didn't see one that was even remotely accessible, but what could I do?
> I'll have someone come over later today to help me label the thing!
> Does anyone know if Emerson provides braille overlays, for their products?
> I looked at purchasing a GE Because I heard they might do that, but they
> were all much more expensive!
> Claudia
> Join either of my groups; the first is for visually-impaired women, while
> the other is for people wishing to discuss homemaking issues.

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