Thought this might apply to some of our handy home owners; there are 3 
messages enjoy.
Note: I use a dos computer, *thus, the links are not active, *but found at 
the bottom of the article. there will be 3 articles to answer your 
questions: or place 'stink bug" in your google box for more interactive 

    This article is about STINK BUG control. It will explain why they are a
    pest and what needs to be done for controlling infestations. PLEASE
    UNDERLINED IN THE TEXT BELOW. Most of your questions will be answered
    in the article. Be sure to read all of it before you call in for
    technical support. If you are looking for information about any other
    insect or animal, go to our article archive section by following the
    link below where you will find in depth articles and information on
    Stink bugs are active throughout all of the United States. Generally
    found in the garden, stink bugs will find their way into homes and
    structures when fall evenings start to turn cold. They acquired their
    name from a natural defense they have which is to release a smell that
    "stinks". This smell enables them to avoid getting eaten by several
    species of birds and lizards. If you have ever handled a stink bug you
    probably know the smell! They will release it onto most any surface
    they land and it will last a long time. This odor is one of the main
    reasons they will return year after year to any structure which is used
    as a hibernating den. If your home starts to harbor hibernating stink
    bugs it is best you get rid of them before the infestation gets out of
    control. This article will help detail some basic biology about stink
    bugs and then offer practical solutions you can apply to stop
    infestations before they get to that level. Stink bugs are in the
    family of insects known as pentatomidae. There are hundreds of
    subspecies located around the world and the United States has several
    which are active in and around the home. Generally thought of as an
    agricultural pest, stink bugs will readily take up residence around any
    garden or landscape rich with plants and flowers. Stink bugs have a
    shield shaped body which is very wide and measure about 1/2 inch long.
    The most common species range in color from green to brown. One species
    is a bright red and black. Not only can they emit an odor which
    "stinks" but many people have an allergic reaction to this secretion so
    it is best to leave them alone. Stink bugs hibernate during cold winter
    months and will emerge in the spring as temperatures rise. Adults mate
    in the spring and females will lay eggs on plants. These eggs will be
    laid in groups and are not plant specific. Young will go through 5
    stages to reach adulthood and this will occur in about three months.
    During this time they will feed on just about anything available. Plant
    juices like honeydew seem to be their choice of food but most will
    readily feed on tomatoes, beans, any type of fruit, corn, peppers or
    cabbage. Stink bugs have never been targeted as a destructive pest
    because they are controlled by all the other spraying being done for
    other pests. However, if left unchecked, they can cause all kinds of
    damage to any garden. Most damage occurs to juicy vegetables and fruit
    once the protective skin is broken. Since young take about three months
    to mature they are generally old enough to mate in the beginning of
    summer and so another batch will emerge to reach adulthood before the
    end of the year. Stink bugs don't like it too hot and will migrate
    north out of the south. However, the longer growing season of the south
    enables them to reproduce better and longer during the year so the
    South harbors the highest populations. Stink bugs are hardy and will
    live a few years so adults which find themselves too far north will
    hibernate on buildings which help to provide some warmth. Southern
    populations may remain active all year if a mild winter keeps
    temperatures moderate but if it gets too cold, they too, will move
    indoors. Stink bugs may be predators of other insects and several
    species seem to be predatory as long as local populations of food are
    prevalent. However, they will readily resort to plants, fruits and
    vegetables if no other food is around. Don't be mislead into thinking
    any stink bug is a good bug. This type of thought has gotten many
    people in trouble. A few around the garden won't do a lot of harm.
    However, if you have them eating the very produce you are trying to
    grow, the damage they do will quickly ruin all your effort. Stink bugs
    are not efficient when they eat. They will generally move about from
    fruit to fruit ruining several in any one day. They are also attracted
    to light and will find their way into homes during the long summer
    nights when porch and deck lights are on and doors are being opened and
    closed. This summertime pattern will continue throughout the season
    until cooler nights and shorter days force the adults to seek
    harborage. Structures like homes are warm and provide adequate shelter
    from rain, cold and other elements. Stink bugs will work their way
    under siding, into soffits, around window and door frames, under roof
    shingles and into any crawl space or attic vent which has openings
    small enough to fit them. Once inside the home they will go into a
    state of suspended animation where they wait for winter to pass.
    However, the warmth inside the home will generally attract them and
    many will find their way inside. Once inside the home you will expect
    to have them becoming active all through the winter. Try not to handle
    them and be careful if you do - not only will they release that nasty
    smell but many species are able to inflict a nasty bite! If you have
    stink bugs active in your garden and you want to stop the damage being
    done to your garden fruit and vegetables, use a product called
    [2]PERMETHRIN to treat the plants. This material is labeled for just
    about any pest and will readily kill off those living amongst the
    plants as well as effectively keep new ones away. This product has a
    strong smell but it combines several materials together so you are able
    to get great plant coverage as well as residual. Treatments will
    usually last 2-4 weeks and can be done with one of our [3]SPRAYERS. If
    you have had a problem with stink bugs finding their way into your home
    there are several treatments which should be done. The extent to which
    you will have to treat will depend largely on just how bad of an
    infestation you have. The first thing to do is to treat the outside of
    the home in the fall just before or as they start to migrate inside. If
    you had them invading in the past than you know as the nights cool
    stink bugs can be found landing on your home and trying to find cracks
    and crevices in which to sleep during the night. In the early stages of
    fall they will then leave the next day foraging for food. It is at this
    time you want to get the home sprayed with [4]CYPERMETHRIN. This
    material is easy to use and will kill them quickly as well as repel
    them. The product is applied with one of our sprayers listed above. Add
    some [5]SPREADER STICKER to insure a quick kill since the stink bug has
    a protective skin which protects them well from insecticides. Spreader
    Sticker will allow the material to penetrate much faster. The trick for
    doing a good application is to start spraying as high as you can
    letting it drip down the siding to get complete coverage. Most homes
    will have a few main entry points and these will be the key areas to
    concentrate your efforts when spraying. A well treated structure will
    provide an invisible wall or defense through which the bugs will not be
    able to penetrate. Most homes will require 2-3 gallons to get good
    coverage and will have 1 or 2 sides which are the main entry points but
    care should be taken to get as many sides as possible. Stink bugs will
    readily move to untreated sides trying to find ways into the homes
    which have been shelters in the past. Stink bugs leave strong odors
    which linger for 6 months or more and these odors will serve as
    attractants to stink bugs which hibernated in the building in the past
    as well as new stink bugs looking for a good place to reside for the
    upcoming winter. These odors are the main reason stink bugs return to
    homes which have a history of infestation so even though they are gone
    during the summer don't be surprised when they return next fall. Only
    when you kill off the returning adults and keep new ones from
    establishing themselves in the home will you be able to have a winter
    stink bug free. This will take 1-2 seasons and usually a year or more
    to achieve. In many cases the population hibernating is so large they
    will find their way inside to living areas. If this happening you can
    help to minimize their activity with an aerosol treatment call
    [6]BAYGON. This aerosol comes with a crack and crevice straw which
    allows you to apply it to window frames, door frames, base mouldings,
    around light fixtures and any other route of entry they might be using
    to get inside. Baygon will kill them quickly as well as provide a
    residual so that any crossing over treated surfaces will die. Treat the
    rooms where you have activity and don't be afraid to treat once a week
    until no new ones are found. Expect to treat a few times in early
    winter - especially if you have an infestation which has been around
    more than one year. Though the outside treatments with Cypermethrin and
    the inside treatments with Baygon will certainly help to keep them off
    the home and out of living areas, this may not be enough to break the
    reproduction that may be happening deep inside attics, crawl spaces and
    wall voids. Since stink bugs like to live in the home for a long time
    they will many times forage into attics and wall voids where they
    reside through the winter. These nesting locations can be accessed from
    high points on the home which are very hard to treat by spraying the
    outside. If you feel you have stink bugs living in such areas and the
    normal outside sprayings you have administered has not reached key
    entry points than consider using some [7]DELTAMETHRIN DUST. This
    material is very helpful for these large areas since liquid or aerosol
    will not work well due to the absorbing nature of the wood and
    insulation. Dust lays well on top of such areas and though unsightly it
    doesn't mean much since these are areas where one does not generally
    go. Apply the dust with a [8]DUSTIN MIZER. This device will enable you
    to blow the dust over 20 feet ensuring good coverage over large open
    areas where stink bugs will readily crawl and penetrate. The
    application will last 6-12 months so you don't have to do it nearly as
    often as the liquid or aerosol treatments and since it works on many
    other pests you will be protecting the home from a wide range of
    insects. The other good feature of Deltamethrin Dust is that it works
    in either dry or wet environments. This is important if the stink bugs
    are entering through dark and moist crawl spaces. Applications will
    last long periods of time even when wet which is what is needed to
    break the hibernating cycle of this pest. Since the dust works so well
    you may decide to apply it around rooms which are having a lot of stink
    bug activity. The dust will leave a white residue which can be cleaned
    easily with a damp rag but applications will last so much longer than
    the aerosol. Use the dust for treating behind light switch plate
    covers, electric switch plate covers and other spaces where you suspect
    stink bugs are entering. Apply the dust with a [9]HAND DUSTER which
    will allow you to "puff" the dust 2-3 feet deep into wall voids which
    offer great nest and hibernating locations. Be sure to get around light
    fixtures and vent covers for forced hot or cold air(not in the ducts
    but around them). Though not always needed, dusting can be a vital part
    of the process which is usually needed when infestations have been
    allowed to go on for more than a year or so. Stink bugs can be a fall
    and winter time pest if left to live in the garden. If you have them
    active outside during the summer and want to keep them off your fruits
    and vegetables, use some of our Vegetables Plus for a quick kill and
    residual. Once fall arrives and they begin to move inside, head them
    off by spraying the outside of the home with Cypermethrin. Once you
    have them inside you will have to use some Baygon Aerosol to keep them
    under control and the need for some Dusting with Deltamethrin Dust may
    help with large populations which are residing in wall voids, crawl
    spaces or attics. Stink bugs are persistent and smelly so keeping out
    of your house will require some patience. Treat early to stop the
    initial penetration; followup with some inside treatments if you have
    had a history of them nesting in the home for more than a year. To see
    these products or any of the other pest control products we sell,
    follow the link below. [10]CLICK HERE TO GO TO OUR PRODUCTS PAGE
    PAGE Our toll free number is 1-800-877-7290. E-Mail us at
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] All articles copy righted by U-Spray, Inc.
    4653 Highway 78 Lilburn, Georgia 30047 Phone: (770)985-9388 Fax:
    (770)985-9319 Toll Free: 1-800-877-7290 url:


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