i had a friend jennifer that had wireless speakers and one day her little
ones decided to take and carry them around the house and play hide and go
seek with them.  One day i was there and we were looking for them and we
couldn't find them the next thing we know we decided to turn on some music
from the internet the little monsters hid them in the toybox and they
thought it was cute.  You can get some for about 30 dollars at walmart.
Check your settings on your sound card as well.  I know my sound card has
different settings for music and different settings for using jaws.


From: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Jewnnifer Jackson
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 1:12 PM
To: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [BlindHandyMan] computer speakers

The speakers on my computer are really bad. They work fine for using my
screen reading program, but music is really distorted. What do I need to
know to get some that would work better for playing music. I do not want
high end or anything, but certainly better than this. I am also not
interested in wireless. I think that would just be inviting my two little
guys to carry them around the house when a favorite song was playing. :)


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