Hi I know we've talked about this before.
But I want to double check my plans here.

My basement is a foundation, a layer of clay charcoal and gravel over 
that, with leveled concrete over that.
So it is a finish floor and a foundation with layer in between.
The first foundation crack is 9 feet from the front, and the second is 7
feet north of that. North is downhill on this property. The house is 50 
feet long.
I do not really want to run a french drain 43 feet.
But here is what we are thinking of doing.
Please, Dale, or any knowing folk, tear this apart if it is way off. 
Tinker with it where needed.

Two cracks start about 3 feet above ground. They go to the foundation 
which is 6feet deep. The finish floor is 4 ft from ground level. There is 
2 ft from finish floor to foundation.
We have put a 2x1 size whole in the finish floor.
We've cleared 2x1  of the between material to see the crack in the 
foundation and where water is actually entering.
We've cleared material till we were removing dry matera\ial.
We need to run 7 feet north to the next crack.

We were thinking of digging a trench 9ft along the side of the house.
Down to beneath the foundation to see where it is wet.
What is frost line in Pennsylvania?
we were going to pour that watery sealing cement into the crack till it 
either was pouring into the excavated area inside, or till it sealed the 
crack to ground level outside.
we were going to vapor barrier the wall and as this particular vapor 
barrier is also used for rubber roof, torch it to the cementedwall. From 
there cement from where the barrier is tucked under the foundationto just 
about frost line.
I wanted to cement patch the mineral surface of the barrier with a stuco 
manner to the cement of the house, around it's edges.
WI wanted to put clay atop the level of the cement at the bottom of the 
trench. I thought that if the clay was sloped away from the house that it 
would be of assistance.
The water cement sealer will be poured into the crack till it again is 
seen in the basement's inside trench or till it seals.
The rest of the crack will be sealed then.

Inside we will cement the crack along the foundation, We willl have to 
fill the space between foundation and finish cement floor. Then the area 
between cinderblock outside wall and finish floor mist be sealed.
Then the finish floor can be finished, leveled, and I can put vinyl tile 
back down again and lay the rug over that as it was.
Please go through bit by bit if you will.

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