The best way to solve this problem is to get one of the digital converter 
boxes available via the government cupons and from Radio shlock, Best buy
and other sources.
These have two ways of getting audio and video out of them:
1. An R.F. connector like for T.V. cable.This can be set to
produce either chanel 3 or 4 analog signals.

2. three RCA phono plugs, audio (line out)  left and right plus video.

Simplest thing to do is hook the audio line out jacks into some amplifier
as in a stereo with aux inputs.

This won't be battery powered and you'll need a T.V. antenna of some kind 
depending on your signal strength and distance from transmitters.

Now these boxes are only somewhat usefull to a bat.  Thanks FCC and capitalistic
industry who doesn't care.  When set up, you need sighted help to make them
scan local signals and memorize them.  Then you can usually manage to use
the remote that comes with the converter box to select chanels.  As each 
numbered chanel may have several sub chanels associated with it, means of 
selecting these sub chanels vary from converter to converter.

>From what I've seen and heard there is no 
particular converter box that is better for us than 
any other.  

At least, if you can get the government cupons still, it will be pretty cheap
to get a converter, and presumably you have a convenient stereo or similar 
with line inputs for the audio.

It is possible you could run the converter's R.F. output to some
gimmicked up link to the antenna of your T.V.
band radio, but that's the hard way and unless you just don't
have an amplifier around, i wouldn't bother.

Best we can do for now, again thanks to the ever vigilant FCC. who does
exactly what industry wants, not what is good for "us"!

Hope that helps, ask if you want more clarification.

There was a basic review of converter boxes in AFB's Access world a few isues

Tom Fowle
Embedded Systems Developer/ Rehab engineer
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
2318 Fillmore St.
San Francisco, CA 94115
415-345-2123 (Voice)

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