recently  there was a discussion on here  somewhat about C O detectors .  
as of this past week it is now the Law  that all   residencial and I 
suspect commercial properties must have    the installation  of  C O 
dectors.  so  I missed it but apparently  Lowes was prepared for this 
and did a one day seminar about what they carry and different types to  
select  from.  However if   we saw all of them I did not find the one 
DanRossi  mentioned that talked.  the guy was nice enough but said they 
do not carry  any specialized things for the blind so I just laughed and 
said apparently   in some stores you do.   and  just left, well I did 
stop again to  have someone describe for me what they had  for natural 
gas hot water heaters.  L

It takes all kinds to fill the freeways.
                -- Crazy Charlie

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