
Sounds like doing this project turned out in a positive direction simply
from a safety perspective. Who knows how long it would have been until
someone fell down through one of those compromised treads? You are right,
those termites can do a lot of damage.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:blindhandy...@yahoogroups.com]on Behalf Of Dan Rossi
  Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 9:55 AM
  To: Blind Handyman List
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Freakin termites.

  Over the weekend, I finally ripped down the basement stairs as part of the
  basement finishing project. I will build new steps once I finish the
  floor. I knew that the stairs were pretty badly compromised by termite
  damage, it was visibly obvious. However, when I ripped down the stairs it
  was pretty horrifying to see just how bad the damage was.

  Firstly, the stringers for the steps had been put in place before the
  cement floor was poured, so that is how the termites got access. The
  stringers went right through to the dirt. I expected to have to dig out
  some old wood from these holes before patching with cement. Well, the
  termites had taken care of that for me. I literally just vacuumed out the
  dust, there were no pieces of wood at all.

  Several of the treads I was able to just lift off since the wood around
  the nails had been completely eaten away.

  A couple of the treads broke in half as I pried them off. The treads had
  been seriously compromised as well.

  After I had removed about four or five treads, the lower part of the one
  stringer just fell off the wall.

  The wood of that stringer was just layers of paper and dust. What I mean
  is that the termites ate parts of the wood, but not others, so it made
  this weird layering effect. You could actually flick through the 2 by 12
  like it was a deck of cards or the pages of a book.

  Absolutely amazing to see the extent of the damage these little insects
  can cause.

  Not termite related, but the upper end of the outer stringer was also
  pretty scary to see. It only overlapped the surrounding joists by about
  half or three quarters of an inch. There were several nails driven in at
  crazy angles, some of them barely catching wood in both connecting pieces.

  Anyway, I cemented in the holes in the floor. laid down the last two
  joists, but since I need to cut the larger sheets outside, and it was
  raining, I didn't get any further than that.

  Hopefully, the floor will be done next weekend and I can start on the

  Blue skies.
  Dan Rossi
  Carnegie Mellon University.
  E-Mail: d...@andrew.cmu.edu
  Tel: (412) 268-9081


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