Hey Andrew! Thanks for working on this, this seems like a significant 
compatibility gap (with security implications) that would be great to close.

On Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 3:45:50 PM UTC+2 Andrew Williams wrote:

> Contact emails 
> awil...@chromium.org, miketaylr@chromium.orgExplainer 
> https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/issues/1531
> https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/pull/1589
> Specification 
> https://github.com/httpwg/http-extensions/blob/main/draft-ietf-httpbis-rfc6265bis.md
> Summary 
> Updates how control characters in cookie data are handled. Specifically, 
> the tab character is now permitted, but all other control characters cause 
> the entire cookie to be rejected (previously the \x00, \x0D, and \x0A 
> characters in a cookie line caused it to be truncated instead of rejected 
> entirely, which could have enabled malicious behavior in certain 
> circumstances). This behavior is also in line with the latest drafts of 
> RFC6265bis. 
> Blink component 
> Internals>Network>Cookies 
> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Internals%3ENetwork%3ECookies>
> Motivation 
> In the case where attacker controlled data is used to set a new cookie, 
> having certain control characters truncate the cookie line could result in 
> security-related cookie attributes being ignored.  This behavior may also 
> lead to cookie data corruption when control characters are introduced, 
> which may cause unpredictable behavior on the application side (more so 
> than cookies not being set, which is a case that applications should 
> already handle). Having control characters result in the whole cookie being 
> rejected helps mitigate these concerns and aligns Chrome with RFC6265bis.  
> For the tab character, although it falls in the control character range 
> (\x00 - \x1F, \x7F), it’s a printable character and allowed by other 
> browsers. Treating it the same way that the space character is treated 
> makes sense intuitively, eliminates a potential fingerprinting vector, and 
> aligns Chrome with RFC6265bis.

In the past, moving to a stricter models that forbade certain characters 
resulted in at least some breakage of non-malicious content. I doubt this 
one would be significantly different.
Do you have a sense of the resulting breakage? If not, I think it'd make 
sense to add metrics to our cookie parsing algorithm and see what that 
breakage would look like.

> Initial public proposal TAG review
> N/A 
> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-api-owners-discuss/c/uBxq9uCpKx0/m/A5LI0NbyAAAJ>:
> this change is already specified in RFC 6265bis and is a relatively minor 
> change to what's already implemented in Chrome (to improve spec compliance).

I agree that this change is in lower layers than those the TAG usually 
deals with.

> TAG review status 
> Not applicable
> Risks 
> N/A
> Interoperability and Compatibility
> WebKit / Safari:
>  - All control characters except the tab character cause the cookie to be 
> rejected if present in the name and cause the rest of the cookie line to be 
> truncated if present in the value
> Gecko / Firefox:
>  - 0x00 in the cookie value causes the rest of the value to be truncated 
> (but subsequent attributes are preserved)
>  - 0x00 in the cookie name causes the rest of the name and the value to be 
> truncated (but subsequent attributes are preserved)
>  - 0x0d and 0x0a cause the entire cookie line to be truncated (attributes 
> ignored)
>  - 0x01 through 0x09 (the tab character), 0x0b through 0x0c, and 0x0e 
> through 0x1f cause the cookie to be rejected if they are present in the 
> name, but are allowed in the cookie value
>  - 0x7f is allowed in the cookie name and cookie value
> The following issues exist reporting these differences:
>    - 
>    Firefox - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1702031#c1
>    - 
>    WebKit - https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=229088
> Allowing tab characters in cookie names aligns Chrome with Safari but not 
> Firefox, and allowing tabs in the cookie value aligns Chrome with both.
> Regarding control characters (not including tab), what will change in 
> Chrome is the handling of 0x00, 0x0d, and 0x0a characters.  Today, Chrome 
> truncates cookie lines when these characters are encountered, and this 
> intent proposes having these characters result in cookie rejection 
> instead.  Rejecting cookie names containing these characters aligns Chrome 
> with Safari but not Firefox, but rejecting cookie values containing these 
> characters is inconsistent with existing Safari or Firefox behavior.  
> However, these changes unify Chrome’s control character handling behavior, 
> better align Chrome with RFC6265bis, and also help prevent a class of 
> cookie attribute removal attacks (when malicious input is used to build a 
> cookie line under certain conditions).
> Gecko: N/A - these changes seem too small to justify this effort
> WebKit: N/A - these changes seem too small to justify this effort

I somewhat agree that asking for a position here would be an overkill, but 
would love to get a signal from both Mozilla and Safari on their intents to 
align with the RFC. (the former seems more likely than the latter, as this 
seems like a CFNetwork issue)
At the same time, the issues seem sufficient for that purpose, assuming 
folks there respond.

> Web developers: N/A - these changes are relatively small and are in 
> alignment with the RFC, other browsers, and/or existing behavior

Yeah, developers are unlikely to be happy about this from a breakage 
perspective, even if it'd reduce compat issues. The main thing we can do 
about that is ensure breakage is minimal before shipping.

> Debuggability
> DevTools debugging support will be implemented along with this change. 
> Rejected response cookies are already shown in DevTools in the Network 
> panel, with a status explaining why they were rejected. Another status will 
> be added to annotate cookies rejected due to control characters.
> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests 
> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
> ?
> In Progress - 
> https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/3084521 
> Flag name 
> UpdatedCookieControlCharacterChecks 
> Requires code in //chrome? 
> False 
> Tracking bug 
> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1233602
> Estimated milestones
> M96
> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status 
> https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5709264560586752
> Requesting approval to ship? 
> Yes
> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status 
> <https://www.chromestatus.com/>.

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