
On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 9:11:17 AM UTC-7 wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 9:14 PM Jerilyn D. <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just want to get confirmation for the following:
>> 1) Going forward, the User-Agent http header will continue to return 
>> information but just reduced information. This http header will not be 
>> dropped or suddenly return empty string or null data in the future.
> That's correct
>> 2) If we want more information, that is when we will need to use the new 
>> user-agent client hints http headers
> That's correct
>> 3) Going forward, the navigator.useragent js api will continue to return 
>> information but just reduced information. It will not be dropped or 
>> suddenly return empty string or null data in the future.
> That's correct
>> 4) Will the enterprise policy to disable user-agent reduction feature 
>> continue to work or will this eventually not be honored in future chrome 
>> versions (and which future chrome version) ?
> For now, we don't have a termination date for the enterprise policy, so 
> you can expect it to work for the foreseeable future.  If we did decide to 
> end the enterprise policy of disabling UA reduction, we would give 
> enterprises plenty of notice and runway, but for now we have no plans to 
> remove this enterprise policy.
>> Thanks!
>> On Monday, April 18, 2022 at 2:51:22 PM UTC-7 wrote:
>>> Note: please see the “Experiment Timeline” section for our extension 
>>> request - the rest of the details are the same as before.
>>> Contact emails
>>> Original I2E
>>> Explainer
>>> Specification
>>> None, but we intend to specify the reduced UA in 
>>> as it ships.
>>> Summary
>>> We want to reduce the amount of information the User Agent string 
>>> exposes in HTTP requests as well as in navigator.userAgent, 
>>> navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform. The browser's brand and 
>>> significant version, its desktop/mobile distinction and the platform it is 
>>> running on will continue to be sent.
>>> We would like to run an Origin Trial for sites to opt into the Reduced 
>>> User-Agent (and related navigator properties) to proactively test for 
>>> breakage. See below for more details.
>>> Design Doc
>>> Blink component
>>> Blink 
>>> <>
>>> TAG review
>>> TAG review status
>>> Closed as “Satisfied with concerns” (
>>> Risks: Interoperability and Compatibility
>>> The compatibility risk is low, as we’re planning to reduce the amount of 
>>> information in the UA string, rather than remove the header. Most existing 
>>> UA detection code should continue to work. It is only future UA detection 
>>> code that will need to move to use the UA client hints instead. In the long 
>>> term, we expect this change to improve compatibility, as UA detection based 
>>> on UA-CH is bound to be more reliable than the current status quo. We hope 
>>> this Origin Trial will help us flesh out site compat issues we can’t 
>>> predict a priori.
>>> As for interoperability, other vendors are on board with UA information 
>>> reduction, but not necessarily with the UA Client Hints mechanism that is 
>>> supposed to replace it. That can create a tricky situation, where 
>>> developers would need to rely on the User-Agent string for some browsers 
>>> and on UA-CH for others.
>>> Edge: Positive signals (
>>> Firefox: Public support for reducing UA string information - “freezing 
>>> the User Agent string without any client hints—seems worth-prototyping” 
>>> (from 
>>> )
>>> Safari: Shipped to some extent. Safari has attempted to completely 
>>> freeze the UA string 
>>> <> in 
>>> the past, but somewhat reverted that decision 
>>> <>. Nowadays, their UA 
>>> string seems mostly frozen, with updates only to the browser version.
>>> Web developers: Mixed signals. Some positive comments on Twitter, 
>>> blink-dev, etc., as well as some negative sentiment.
>>> Experiment Summary
>>> This experiment is going to be a bit different from a normal Origin 
>>> Trial; the goal is less about gathering information on the design of a new 
>>> API than it is about enabling developers and administrators to test and 
>>> ensure compatibility with our proposed changes. This change represents a 
>>> large compat challenge with very subtle pitfalls and vast dependencies, 
>>> it’s incredibly important we give developers any opportunity to test 
>>> systems at every level.
>>> As for engaging with the trial itself, there will be two components 
>>> controlled by the same Origin Trial: 
>>>    1. 
>>>    Reducing the information in the associated JS getters, if the Origin 
>>>    Trial is enabled.
>>>    2. 
>>>    A client hint that gets set when the Origin Trial is enabled, where 
>>>    the client hint indicates to the origin that the User-Agent request 
>>> header 
>>>    contains the reduced value. Because of the experimental nature of this 
>>>    client hint, a valid Origin Trial token must be sent in the response 
>>> header 
>>>    by the origin for the client hint to take effect or be stored (in order 
>>> to 
>>>    prevent platform burn-in for this temporary client hint token).
>>> During the process of conducting the Origin Trial, we may find that we 
>>> need to request an exception to the per-site (and possibly global) limits 
>>> imposed by Origin Trials. In practice, Origin Trials rarely exceed their 
>>> quota limits, but if necessary, there is time between when the limits have 
>>> been exceeded and the Origin Trial is turned off, where we can work with 
>>> the users on reducing their usage and/or lifting the limits.
>>> Please see the design document 
>>> <>
>>> describing the experiment for more information.
>>> Experiment Goals
>>> The goal of this trial is to enable developers to test how reducing the 
>>> User-Agent request header and the related navigator getters will affect 
>>> their systems and make sure they have all of the tools they need for an 
>>> effective migration to User Agent Client Hints 
>>> <>. We hope that by providing 
>>> sufficient time to test and provide feedback we can validate our current 
>>> plans for UA Reduction and safely roll them out to the web at large.
>>> We will be relying heavily on user and developer feedback to understand 
>>> where breakage occurs, or where use cases are not accounted for. We will 
>>> create a GitHub repository as well as a public mailing list for gathering 
>>> feedback. When the OT is ready, we plan to publish developer guidance on 
>>> how to enroll and provide feedback.
>>> Experiment Timeline
>>> M101-M103
>>> Reason this experiment is being extended
>>> We have a partner that would like to continue testing the fully reduced 
>>> UA string. Due to an issue in their experiment design, they weren't able to 
>>> launch the OT and collect any data. We would like to extend the OT by 3 
>>> milestones, if possible. We believe the risks for burn-in don't apply, 
>>> because this OT just enables what we hope will be the default behavior in 
>>> the future.
>>> We are encouraged by the fact that no other OT participants provided 
>>> negative feedback, or reports of site breakage, so we feel like this 
>>> extension is pretty safe.
>>> Draft spec:
>>> TAG review: Closed <> 
>>> as “Satisfied with concerns”
>>> requests: Firefox and Safari have already shipped 
>>> UA reduction in varying forms.
>>> Outreach for feedback from the spec community: N/A
>>> WPT tests: There are WPTs covering general UA string behavior but 
>>> nothing specific to UA reduction yet (until the various phases land in the 
>>> stable channel).
>>> Experiment Risks
>>> Despite the proposed changes being net-positive in terms of privacy, 
>>> there are some compat risks, as many sites have come to rely on the shape 
>>> of the User-Agent header and related JS interfaces. Site breakage can take 
>>> many forms, both obvious and non-obvious. However, since sites are in 
>>> control of the Origin-Trial and Accept-CH headers, a site can quickly opt 
>>> out of the experiment when breakage is encountered.
>>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, 
>>> Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
>>> No (All but WebView)
>>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests 
>>> <>
>>> ?
>>> Not yet.
>>> Flag name
>>> #reduce-user-agent
>>> Tracking bug
>>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

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