Primary eng (and PM) emails,

WebRTC allows sending and receiving audio, video and arbitrary data between 
two endpoints using the RTCPeerConnection API.

The googIPv6 constraint was originally added to opt-in to IPv6 support 
while that was in development, but IPv6 support has subsequently been 
enabled-by-default for many years. While setting googIPv6 to true is a 
NO-OP, some users make use of this non-standard API to disable IPv6 by 
setting it to false.

A spec-compliant WebRTC implementation supports IPv6 and has no way to 
disable IPv6. Non-chromium browsers does not have an ability to disable 
IPv6, so this constraint is not good for interop.

We want to remove googIPv6 because a) it's non-standard, and b) it resides 
in a dictionary argument of the RTCPeerConnection called mediaConstraints 
that is also non-standard. The existence of googIPv6 prevents us from 
removing mediaConstraints.

Interoperability and Compatibility Risk
The other browser vendors have been very supportive of removing 
non-standard WebRTC APIs in the past, but I have not reached out to any 
browser vendor specifically about googIPv6.

Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers

Usage information from UseCounter
The LegacyConstraintGoogIPv6 use counter 
 suggests 0.000112% 
of page loads use this feature by setting it to false (setting it to true 
is a NO-OP and not counted here).

Entry on the feature dashboard

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