On Android we are soon enabling touch-dragging following a long-press,
which could subtly affect custom context-menu closing behavior in certain
websites.  We are not exposing any events that didn't exist before but we
are changing when these events may fire on some devices/content.  This can
cause two changes in observable behavior in Chrome for Android:


   Elements with a draggable
   attribute would start responding to touch-drag interaction.

   Custom context-menu may co-exist with an ongoing drag.

Draggable elements

On mobile we never supported drag-and-drop
so draggable elements (like those in this
<https://simple-drag-and-drop-1.glitch.me/> demo) never really responded to
touch-drags.  More precisely, we fired neither drag nor dragend events
after a dragstart event, and in many cases we couldn’t fire even a dragstart
event because a long-press would invoke a modal context menu which blocks
all events from the page behind.

This upcoming change would expose correct firing of dragstart, drag and
dragend events to the page, and any draggable element would start
Custom context menus

The upcoming change would possibly provide an awkward experience on sites
that draw a custom context-menu.  Certain types of target elements would
now receive both dragstart and contextmenu events, so some of these sites
would continue to show a custom context-menu while a drag-and-drop is
ongoing.  But any reasonable custom context-menu is expected to close on a
tap outside the menu, and that would be an easy and intuitive “fix” for the
user.  So in the end, this would feel like a bad UI experience instead of a
broken site.
Future plans

Longer term, we are proposing to enhance custom context-menu support in the
Web platform through a new event:


   Github discussion: https://github.com/w3c/uievents/issues/309

   Integration with popup: https://github.com/openui/open-ui/issues/426

   Chrome bug: https://crbug.com/1243718

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