I agree with your analysis of the ergonomics of the feature. Thanks for 
pushing this!

On Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 5:34:10 PM UTC+2 Thomas Steiner wrote:

> TAG review
>> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/632 
>> TAG review status
>> Unsatisfied
> To add some more nuance to the unsatisfied TAG review, here's the TAG's 
> summary, with our reactions:
> > *As you mentioned - ...this is not aimed at the average website.. Not 
> all Web platform features are aimed or used by all websites. However, Web 
> features must be predictable and possible for use by anyone, safely.*
> This feature *predictably* reveals the *current* state of 
> prefers-color-scheme and now prefers-reduced-motion. It is comparable 
> with client hints like sec-ch-viewport-height (
> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/615) which changes, for 
> example, when the user switches to a different monitor (a scenario quite 
> common with laptops being used stationary with fixed screens in clamshell 
> mode and the built-in screen in on-the-go mode). If the user loads a page 
> with a small screen and then switches to a larger screen and the server has 
> based the loading of assets on the height of the viewport, the server is 
> now responsible for loading the rest of the content. (This can be testing 
> in a demo, courtesy of François Beaufort: https://client-hints.glitch.me/
> ).
> Everyone capable of modifying the headers of their web server can use this 
> feature. 
> > *The base problem of this proposal is the exposure of user state rather 
> than client capabilities of user preference media features. This allows 
> user state handling on the server side which can lead to race conditions 
> and undesired error state and user experience. One that doesn't exist today 
> with media features which are evaluated and handled on the client side. 
> This is not a safe pattern and should be avoided.*
> The mentioned race conditions cannot really occur, since the client hint 
> is evaluated exactly once by the server at request time. In the worst case, 
> the change in conditions would be handled by the next reload. This is 
> comparable to existing client-side code that deals with this problem: If a 
> site uses matchMedia() to either show the one form of the page or the 
> other, but at the same time doesn't register a change listener for the 
> media query, we are in exactly the same boat: the page won't update 
> immediately when the user changes their preferences, but only upon the next 
> request. Improvements upon this are possible by adding said change 
> listener, which would be applicable to the client hint and the 
> matchMedia() approach alike.
> > *During our call we discussed multi stakeholder interest. You mentioned 
> of few other large Web properties that would be interested and willing to 
> use the feature for similar benefits to those of google.com 
> <http://google.com>. That isn't surprising. They employ enough engineers 
> and will be able to take the hit of implementation and support. What we 
> don't see is evidence of other browser vendors interested to support the 
> feature.*
> Position requests were filed, with no final response so far:
> Mozilla: https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/526
> WebKit: https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2021-May/031856.html 
> now migrated to https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/15. 
> A classic chicken-egg problem: the more web properties want to use this, 
> the more relevant it will become for browser vendors to implement this. 
> > *We don't see evidence or use cases of user preference media features 
> other than 'prefers-color-scheme'. If this is the only use case, with most 
> benefit to your scenario, consider exposing a hint of such client 
> capability, i.e. "does this device support auto detection of light or dark 
> mode"*
> The pure presence of the current proposal for 
> sec-ch-prefers-reduced-motion demonstrates the need for additional hints 
> than the previous color scheme hint (
> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/tEZ4RVsP1ms/m/lDufAyPPFAAJ).
> The stakeholder is Google Search in both cases.

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