
I'm happy to announce that lightning talks are coming back to BlinkOn 17!
This is a great opportunity to present your projects without having a
formal session. To be inclusive for virtual attendees, Day 1 will be a mix
of in-person talks and pre-recorded talks, and Day 2 will be pre-recorded
talks only.

The rule is simple:


   Each talk should be kept to 3 mins.

   If you are presenting in-person, add your name to the sheet
   by Oct 24 and upload your deck by Nov 7. Otherwise, add your name and
   upload the pre-recorded video to the sheet
   by Oct 24.

   There are 26 slots in total. First come, first served.

   You can talk about anything about Blink. Any crazy ideas are welcome!

Let's make the hybrid BlinkOn more exciting with the lightning talk
sessions :)

Kentaro Hara on behalf of the BlinkOn planning team

Kentaro Hara, Tokyo

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