I agree with Rick's analysis here. Given the purely-negative nature of this
OT, there's little risk in this burning-in unless we ship it, in which case
we want it to burn in.  Dropping the usage limitation for this OT LGTM2.


On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 7:34 PM Mike Taylor <miketa...@chromium.org> wrote:

> On 9/30/22 1:32 PM, Rick Byers wrote:
> As I understand it, this OT is entirely about taking away functionality
> (grants nothing new which a site might take a dependency on). Therefore I
> don't think the usage limits are providing much, if any, value. At the same
> time, I can see the value of being able to test this upcoming behavior at a
> large scale.
> So, with API owner hat on, I propose we just turn them off for this trial.
> Thoughts?
> My my API owner hat off (because my name is attached to this project), I
> agree. I think the larger testing benefits outweigh any possible risks (and
> can't really think of any, tbqh).
> Rick
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 3:03 PM Nir M <getn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Nir from Meta and Noah's peer.
>> would it be possible to give an estimate or a guideline on the
>> permissible magnitude of usage for the Opt-In trial (the one that forces
>> the full reduction of the UserAgent) available?
>> As we would like to conduct an experiment on that, and not deviate from
>> the 0.5% restriction of global page loads, we need an idea of how many
>> users will be able to be getting this experimental behavior.
>> would love to hear more details on that if you could provide.
>> Link to the limitation reference on Origin-Trial:
>> https://github.com/GoogleChrome/OriginTrials/blob/gh-pages/developer-guide.md#6-is-there-any-restriction-on-which-websites-can-sign-up-to-use-experimental-features
>> thanks,
>> Nir
>> On Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 9:27:20 PM UTC+3 mike...@chromium.org wrote:
>>> Hi Noah,
>>> Thanks for reaching out - we've received a request just yesterday from
>>> another partner who also expressed interest in an extension, so I will work
>>> on an Intent to Extend Experiment in the next few days and we'll see what
>>> the Blink API Owners think. :)
>>> thanks,
>>> Mike
>>> On 7/26/22 1:40 PM, Noah Lemen wrote:
>>> Are there any plans to extend this Origin Trial? We (Meta) are
>>> considering using it to test the impact of UA reduction, but just noticed
>>> that its "end date" is tomorrow, and was marked with availability ending
>>> after version 103.
>>> On Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 5:29:45 PM UTC-4 abe...@chromium.org
>>> wrote:
>>>> Just an FYI, the blog post has been updated to give instructions on how
>>>> to participate in the User-Agent Reduction Origin Trial as a third-party
>>>> embed:
>>>> https://developer.chrome.com/blog/user-agent-reduction-origin-trial/#how-to-participate-in-the-origin-trial-as-a-third-party-embed
>>>> On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 9:39 AM Ali Beyad <abe...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>> A blog post just went out for this OT:
>>>>> https://developer.chrome.com/blog/user-agent-reduction-origin-trial/
>>>>> On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 9:47 AM Ali Beyad <abe...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>> An update on this: it will be too rushed to get the User-Agent
>>>>>> Reduction OT into the M94 branch cutoff (this Thursday), so we moved this
>>>>>> OT for the M95 release.
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 4:02 PM Ali Beyad <abe...@chromium.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> An update on this: it will be too rushed to get the User-Agent
>>>>>>> Reduction OT into the M94 branch cutoff (this Thursday), so we moved 
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> OT for the M95 release.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 6:39 PM Ali Beyad <abe...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the feedback and the LGTMs, everyone!
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 6:30 PM Rick Byers <rby...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I agree this OT is quite different from a regular OT, there's not
>>>>>>>>> really a "burn-in risk" to be worried about since this isn't really 
>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>> any new functionality sites want access to. So LGTM3 for a longer 
>>>>>>>>> trial.
>>>>>>>>> If necessary I'd also be supportive of expanding usage limits
>>>>>>>>> arbitrarily. The more usage we can get of this trial, the lower the 
>>>>>>>>> compat
>>>>>>>>> risk will be of making the breaking change later. So in this case it 
>>>>>>>>> makes
>>>>>>>>> no sense to worry about excessive usage of the OT.
>>>>>>>>> I'm glad to hear the inherited JS semantics will match that of the
>>>>>>>>> header. Like for the header, I'd otherwise be worried about masking
>>>>>>>>> potential compat issues if that JS APIs were unaffected.
>>>>>>>>> Rick
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 11:18 AM Ali Beyad <abe...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 4:02 AM Mike West <mk...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the clarifications, Ali. This looks pretty reasonable
>>>>>>>>>>> to me. LGTM1 % the below:
>>>>>>>>>>> I would recommend that you adjust the design doc to remove the
>>>>>>>>>>> reference to "a client hint token that will reduce the User-Agent 
>>>>>>>>>>> header",
>>>>>>>>>>> as it doesn't sound like that's what you're aiming to experiment 
>>>>>>>>>>> with. My
>>>>>>>>>>> understanding of your response is that you'll only adjust the UA in 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> presence of the Origin Trial token.
>>>>>>>>>> I updated
>>>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1feIxK9S7oNgT2oGGebbxE9X0O-4wTKcsP_gRaY99tq4/edit#heading=h.x5gzpen7eyc>
>>>>>>>>>> the design doc to make the point clear that the UA will only be 
>>>>>>>>>> reduced in
>>>>>>>>>> the presence of the OT token, and I clarified the role of the new 
>>>>>>>>>> client
>>>>>>>>>> hint in all this.  Thanks for the feedback!
>>>>>>>>>>> With regard to the OT schedule, ~6 months from M94 would take us
>>>>>>>>>>> more or less through M100. In
>>>>>>>>>>> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-api-owners-discuss/c/dhfejxAtj84/m/vr889GowAgAJ,
>>>>>>>>>>> we agreed (but I don't think documented... I'll fix that) that we'd 
>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>> taking ~4 milestones as a typical OT length as we shift into a 
>>>>>>>>>>> 4-week
>>>>>>>>>>> cadence.
>>>>>>>>>>> That said, it sounds like you want to use this experiment as a
>>>>>>>>>>> lead-in to a behavior change and deprecation trial, and holding you 
>>>>>>>>>>> to 4
>>>>>>>>>>> milestones would put you squarely in the holiday season of M98. I'm
>>>>>>>>>>> comfortable with y'all extending this out a little longer than 
>>>>>>>>>>> usual, but
>>>>>>>>>>> I'd appreciate two other API owners weighing in to confirm that 
>>>>>>>>>>> plan.
>>>>>>>>>>> -mike
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 4:55 PM Ali Beyad <abe...@google.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Mike,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your questions.  Answers inline.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 9:15 AM Mike West <mk...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Ali,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are a few details here that I'm not sure I understand.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.  The linked design doc describes opting into UA reduction
>>>>>>>>>>>>> through both an origin trial, and a client hint-based opt-in. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> intent include both mechanisms? Or is it only about the origin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> trial?
>>>>>>>>>>>> The I2E is for an origin trial that would control two behaviors:
>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. The Javascript getters for user agent data (e.g.
>>>>>>>>>>>>    navigator.userAgent)
>>>>>>>>>>>>    2. The new Client Hint `Sec-CH-UA-Reduced` that would
>>>>>>>>>>>>    indicate to the origin that the HTTP header "User-Agent" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> contains a reduced
>>>>>>>>>>>>    value, not the full UA string.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.  Does a top-level document's opt-in to the origin trial
>>>>>>>>>>>>> control the UA headers received by requests made from documents 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it embeds?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That is, if a page at A opts-into the OT, and embeds a page from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> B that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> does not opt-in, what UA headers will requests initiated from B 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> contain?
>>>>>>>>>>>> The plan was for the requests sent for embedded page B to also
>>>>>>>>>>>> include the reduced UA string along with the `Sec-CH-UA-Reduced` 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Client
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hint, even if B is not opted-in to the Origin Trial.  This would be
>>>>>>>>>>>> accomplished through setting "allow same-origin and cross-origin"
>>>>>>>>>>>> Permission Policy for the `Sec-CH-UA-Reduced` client hint.  The 
>>>>>>>>>>>> feeling was
>>>>>>>>>>>> that, it would be hard to know if a top-level site is truly 
>>>>>>>>>>>> functioning
>>>>>>>>>>>> correctly in the presence of UA reduction if only it, but not its 
>>>>>>>>>>>> embedded
>>>>>>>>>>>> subresources, are receiving the reduced UA string.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Likewise, what does B have access to via JavaScript?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Great question - while subresource requests sent to B would
>>>>>>>>>>>> include the reduced UA and `Sec-CH-UA-Reduced` headers, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> JavaScript for
>>>>>>>>>>>> B would *not* have access to the reduced UA unless it was also
>>>>>>>>>>>> registered for the OT.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.  Are top-level navigations affected? That is, if A in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> example above opts-into the OT, and then navigates to B at the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> top level,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what UA header is delivered? Does the answer change if A navigates
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same-origin to another page on A?
>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is a top-level navigation to A for the *first* time,
>>>>>>>>>>>> then it will not receive the reduced UA and the new client hint 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (although
>>>>>>>>>>>> the initial navigation request could be retried with the reduced 
>>>>>>>>>>>> UA if
>>>>>>>>>>>> Critical-CH is set and the OT token is valid).  All subsequent 
>>>>>>>>>>>> navigations
>>>>>>>>>>>> to A, including if A navigates to a same-origin page on A, will 
>>>>>>>>>>>> include the
>>>>>>>>>>>> reduced UA string and `Sec-CH-UA-Reduced` header.  This would hold 
>>>>>>>>>>>> until
>>>>>>>>>>>> the browser is restarted or session data is cleared, which would 
>>>>>>>>>>>> also clear
>>>>>>>>>>>> the Accept-CH cache.
>>>>>>>>>>>> For the subresource requests made from A to B, while B would
>>>>>>>>>>>> include the headers sent to A (including the reduced UA string), B 
>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>> *not* save the client hint in its Accept-CH cache.  Therefore,
>>>>>>>>>>>> a subsequent navigation to B would *not* include the reduced
>>>>>>>>>>>> UA string nor the `Sec-CH-UA-Reduced` header, since it is not 
>>>>>>>>>>>> opted-in to
>>>>>>>>>>>> the OT.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The behavior can be summed up as "if the top-level navigation
>>>>>>>>>>>> is opted-in, send the reduced UA to the top-level origin as well 
>>>>>>>>>>>> as all
>>>>>>>>>>>> subresource requests, including to those of a different origin".  
>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>> feedback we received thus far from potential partner sites was 
>>>>>>>>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>>>>>> would be most useful if the same UA was sent on subresource 
>>>>>>>>>>>> requests to
>>>>>>>>>>>> realize and handle any potential breakage.  This also seems 
>>>>>>>>>>>> consistent with
>>>>>>>>>>>> how current client hints work - the same client hints are sent for
>>>>>>>>>>>> cross-origin subresource requests as long as the Permission Policy 
>>>>>>>>>>>> allows
>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We also considered the idea of requiring B to sign up for a
>>>>>>>>>>>> third-party matching Origin Trial, but that seemed to us like it 
>>>>>>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>>>>>>> too much overhead for the top-level sites to have to work through.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.  What's your experimentation timeline?
>>>>>>>>>>>> We were hoping to get the origin trial experiment in by the
>>>>>>>>>>>> feature freeze for M94.  The goal would be to run a 6-month 
>>>>>>>>>>>> experiment.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Then, we would like to run a 6-month deprecation trial thereafter 
>>>>>>>>>>>> (a
>>>>>>>>>>>> separate I2E would be sent for that) which would send the reduced 
>>>>>>>>>>>> UA string
>>>>>>>>>>>> by default, but enable those origins opted into the deprecation 
>>>>>>>>>>>> trial to
>>>>>>>>>>>> still receive the full UA string.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -mike
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 10, 2021 at 1:31 AM Ali Beyad <abe...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it makes sense to proceed with a regular origin trial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and look at requesting higher usage limits if/when we get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> commitments and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> estimates for participation in the UA reduction experiment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 2:06 PM Jason Chase <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cha...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 1:07:59 PM UTC-4 Ali Beyad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Contact emails *aaro...@chromium.org,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jadek...@chromium.org, mike...@chromium.org,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abe...@chromium.org
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Explainer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> None
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specification
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> None
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Summary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We want to reduce the amount of information the User Agent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> string exposes in HTTP requests as well as in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> navigator.userAgent,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> navigator.appVersion, and navigator.platform. The browser's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brand and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> significant version, its desktop/mobile distinction and the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> platform it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running on will continue to be sent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We would like to run an Origin Trial for sites to opt into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Reduced User-Agent (and related navigator properties) to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> proactively
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test for breakage. See below for more details.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Design Doc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1feIxK9S7oNgT2oGGebbxE9X0O-4wTKcsP_gRaY99tq4/edit#heading=h.2navvbygwxwb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blink component
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blink
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Blink>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TAG review
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/640
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TAG review status
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pending (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/640)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Risks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interoperability and Compatibility
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The compatibility risk is low, as we’re planning to reduce
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the amount of information in the UA string, rather than remove 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the header.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Most existing UA detection code should continue to work. It is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only future
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UA detection code that will need to move to use the UA client 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hints
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead. In the long term, we expect this change to improve 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> compatibility,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as UA detection based on UA-CH is bound to be more reliable 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> current status quo. We hope this Origin Trial will help us 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flesh out site
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> compat issues we can’t predict a priori.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As for interoperability, other vendors are on board with UA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information reduction, but not necessarily with the UA Client 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hints
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism that is supposed to replace it. That can create a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tricky
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> situation, where developers would need to rely on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> User-Agent string for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some browsers and on UA-CH for others.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Edge: Positive signals (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://twitter.com/_scottlow/status/1206831008261132289)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Firefox: Public support for reducing UA string information
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - “freezing the User Agent string without any client 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hints—seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worth-prototyping” (from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/202#issuecomment-558294095
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Safari: Shipped to some extent. Safari has attempted to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completely freeze the UA string
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://twitter.com/rmondello/status/943545865204989953?lang=en>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the past, but somewhat reverted that decision
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=182629#c6>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nowadays, their UA string seems mostly frozen, with updates 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> browser version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Web developers: Mixed signals. Some positive comments on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Twitter, blink-dev, etc., as well as some negative sentiment.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Experiment Summary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This experiment is going to be a bit different from a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> normal Origin Trial; the goal is less about gathering 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> design of a new API than it is about enabling developers and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> administrators
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to test and ensure compatibility with our proposed changes. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> represents a large compat challenge with very subtle pitfalls 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and vast
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dependencies, it’s incredibly important we give developers any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opportunity
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to test systems at every level.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As for engaging with the trial itself, there will be two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> components controlled by the same Origin Trial:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Reducing the information in the associated JS getters,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    if the Origin Trial is enabled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    A client hint that gets set when the Origin Trial is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    enabled, where the client hint indicates to the origin that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the User-Agent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    request header contains the reduced value. Because of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> experimental
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    nature of this client hint, a valid Origin Trial token must 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be sent in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    response header by the origin for the client hint to take 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effect or be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    stored (in order to prevent platform burn-in for this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> temporary client hint
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    token).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> During the process of conducting the Origin Trial, we may
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> find that we need to request an exception to the per-site (and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> global) limits imposed by Origin Trials. In practice, Origin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trials rarely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exceed their quota limits, but if necessary, there is time 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between when the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> limits have been exceeded and the Origin Trial is turned off, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where we can
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work with the users on reducing their usage and/or lifting the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> limits.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This sounds like the trial to opt-in (and opt-out) for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Page Freezing intervention
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/CWOstYR9rdc/m/knP4dVdKFAAJ>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I recall, that trial didn't end up running at scale, so we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't end up
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> testing the usage limits. It seems worth considering as a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precedent. That
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is, noting the differences in burn-in risk for opting into 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> breaking behaviour vs taking advantage of new functionality.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please see the design document
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1feIxK9S7oNgT2oGGebbxE9X0O-4wTKcsP_gRaY99tq4/edit#heading=h.2navvbygwxwb>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> describing the experiment for more information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Experiment Goals
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The goal of this trial is to enable developers to test how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reducing the User-Agent request header and the related 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> navigator getters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will affect their systems and make sure they have all of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tools they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need for an effective migration to User Agent Client Hints
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://web.dev/migrate-to-ua-ch/>. We hope that by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> providing sufficient time to test and provide feedback we can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> validate our
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> current plans for UA Reduction and safely roll them out to the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web at large.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We will be relying heavily on user and developer feedback
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to understand where breakage occurs, or where use cases are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not accounted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for. We will create a GitHub repository as well as a public 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for gathering feedback. When the OT is ready, we plan to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> publish developer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guidance on how to enroll and provide feedback.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Experiment Risks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Despite the proposed changes being net-positive in terms of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> privacy, there are some compat risks, as many sites have come 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to rely on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the shape of the User-Agent header and related JS interfaces. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Site breakage
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can take many forms, both obvious and non-obvious. However, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since sites are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in control of the Origin-Trial and Accept-CH headers, a site 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can quickly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opt out of the experiment when breakage is encountered.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No (All but WebView)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Flag name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #reduce-user-agent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tracking bug
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=955620
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1222742
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5704553745874944
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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