Can you clarify the deprecation trial timeline so far? The "intent to
extend experiment" you linked to indicates experimentation until M106. Is
that correct?

On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 3:35 PM 'Yifan Luo' via blink-dev <> wrote:

> Contact,,
> ,,
> Explainer
> Specification
> Design docs
> Summary
> Requires that private network requests for subresources from public
> websites may only be initiated from a secure context. Examples include
> internet to intranet requests and internet to loopback requests. This is a
> first step towards fully implementing Private Network Access:
> Blink componentBlink>SecurityFeature>CORS>PrivateNetworkAccess
> <>
> TAG review
> TAG review statusIssues addressed
> Risks
> Interoperability and Compatibility
> No interoperability risks. Compatibility risk is small but non-negligible.
> UseCounters show ~0.1% of page visit making use of this feature. Direct
> outreach to the largest users per UKM data revealed no objections to this
> launch. Rolling this deprecation out to beta per the previous I2S resulted
> in more feedback about the compatibility risk and the need for a time
> extension. See the following doc for an extensive discussion:
> *Gecko*: Worth prototyping (
> Tentatively
> positive, but no formal position yet.
> *WebKit*: Positive (
> *Web developers*: Mixed signals (
> In our recent survey, most of websites are able to migrate if our new
> permission prompt can be landed as a way for them to relax mixed content
> checks.
>  ------------
> Some websites, broadly falling in the category of controller webapps for
> IoT devices, find this change incompatible with their use cases. While many
> use cases can be solved with specific workarounds, some still require
> further engagement.
> *Other signals*:
> Activation
> Developers of non-secure sites that rely upon local servers will need to
> upgrade to HTTPS. This might cause some complications, as mixed-content
> checks will begin to apply. Chrome carves out HTTP access to loopback (as
> per, which is
> a release valve for folks who don't want to go through the effort of
> securely-distributing certs for local servers. The initial launch in M92
> was delayed due to compatibility risks surfaced during the rollout to beta.
> See this doc for a lot more details:
> Security
> This change should be security-positive.
> WebView application risks
> Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that
> it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
> Goals for experimentation
> User feedbacks collection:
> ------------ It seems that many developers have not noticed the upcoming
> launch despite outreach efforts, and will likely only notice once Chrome
> ships the secure context restriction. Thus delaying the launch by a few
> milestones to offer more breathing room to the currently-aware developers
> would not mitigate the risk when we ship the next time. A Deprecation Trial
> seems like the logical next step. This would allow us to protect the vast
> majority of users of the web by at least requiring attackers to sign up for
> the trial, itself a deterrent. Simultaneously, it would give enough time to
> legitimate websites to work around the new restriction. Finally, it would
> allow more time for discussions should our planned solutions fail to
> adequately address developers’ concerns.
> Reason this experiment is being extended
> We have collected 20+ developers' feedback since the last milestone. 85.7%
> developers said that they are still migrating to HTTPS, 50% said they need
> more time and 50% said they are not able to migrate local devices for
> various reasons and need future help. In the meanwhile, we are also
> collecting developers' feedback on our future plan for websites that cannot
> migrate their private devices to HTTPS but would like to migrate their
> public websites. 11.1% websites answered probably yes to our new feature
> and 72.2% responded might or might not. The major considers are they also
> need the allowance on frames/iframes (Q8 64.7%), want to use IP address as
> ids in permission (Q12 82.3%), too many permission prompt might be a spam
> (2 answers) and need to wait for other browsers supporting Private Network
> Access. In this case, we are also actively changing our further plan and
> collaborating with other browsers at the same time. ------------ The main
> workaround suggested to impacted websites was to use WebTransport's
> serverCertificateHashes feature. That is only shipping in Chrome 100;
> developers need more time to try it out. In addition, some issues have been
> identified with WebTransport that are prompting us to re-evaluate
> alternatives. In the meantime, keeping the trial going helps "staunch the
> bleeding" and provides a channel for discussing plans with affected web
> developers.
> Ongoing technical constraints
> None.
> Debuggability
> When a request is made that violates this restriction and the feature is
> not enabled, three things happen: 1. A warning message is logged to the
> DevTools console. 2. A deprecation report is filed against the initiator
> website's Reporting API, if so configured. 3. An issue is surfaced in the
> DevTools Issues panel. Likewise, when the feature is enabled and a request
> is blocked, the same happens except that the message logged to the DevTools
> console is an error and its text is slightly different. The devtools
> network panel shows information about the source and remote address spaces
> at play.
> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
> Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?Yes
> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
> <>
> ?Yes
> Flag nameBlockInsecurePrivateNetworkRequests
> Requires code in //chrome?False
> Tracking bug
> Launch bug
> Estimated milestones
> OriginTrial desktop last 113
> OriginTrial desktop first 94
> DevTrial on desktop 86
> OriginTrial Android last 113
> OriginTrial Android first 94
> DevTrial on Android 86
> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
> Links to previous Intent discussionsReady for Trial:
> Intent to Experiment:
> Intent to Extend Experiment:
> Intent to Ship:
> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status
> <>.
> --
> Yifan
> --
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