Hey Rego,

The WebGPU CTS is meant to be exportable into a WPT subdirectory, see
https://github.com/gpuweb/cts/blob/main/docs/build.md. However I don't know
that there's a specific plan to integrate into WPT proper since development
uses a lot of combination testing and Typescript, which is not something
WPT support (the export step creates individual HTML pages for each test
case and compiles the Typescript to Javascript). +Kai Ninomiya
<kain...@chromium.org>, feel free to correct me if I missed something.



On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 5:55 PM Manuel Rego Casasnovas <r...@igalia.com>

> On 14/12/2022 18:02, Corentin Wallez wrote:
> > The WebGPU Conformance Test Suite is being built
> > at https://github.com/gpuweb/cts <https://github.com/gpuweb/cts> and can
> > be integrated as a subdirectory of WPT. Coverage is still incomplete due
> > to the complexity of the API but progressing quickly. We expect to ship
> > with coverage holes, but with most important and risky aspects of
> > interoperability well tested.
> Any plans about integrating the test suite into WPT?
> Thanks,
>   Rego

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