On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 7:31 AM Koji Ishii <ko...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Specification
> https://w3c.github.io/csswg-drafts/css-text-4/#valdef-text-wrap-balance
> Summary
> Enables the lengths of lines in a paragraph balanced, for better
> readability and to prevent typographic widows. This feature is often used
> in headlines.

It's worth noting that the specification describes text-wrap as one of the
longhand properties comprising part of the newly-shorthand white-space

Is what you're proposing to do here:

 (1) Implement:
       text-space-collapse: collapse | preserve | preserve-breaks
       text-wrap: wrap | no-wrap | balance
       and then turn white-space into a shorthand?  (Optionally, implement
more of the values of text-space-collapse and/or text-wrap or also
implement text-space-trim, but those don't seem necessary to do the text-wrap:
balance feature in line with the spec's model.)  This seems to be the
minimal approach that would be in line with the spec.

(2) Implement text-wrap balance without making it relate to the white-space
property.  This would diverge from what is currently in the spec.

If you're planning to do (2), have you discussed it with the CSS Working


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