> On 4Mar 2023, at 5:59, Alex Russell <slightly...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Our process does not pay much mind to arbitrary standards gates when others 
> have not already shipped. If WebKit had (has?) implemented, that would 
> shortcut our analysis, otherwise, it's still worth asking.

The point is not about what the W3C Process say you can do at what stage, the 
point is that for a CSS spec to get to CR, there needs to be a sign off from 
the groups’ members that this is OK to ship. This is not as strong as “we want 
to ship this ourselves soon”, but this is stronger than “no signal”, as was 
stated earlier.

This may be true in other groups, but it is especially true in the CSSWG, which 
includes all the browsers, and has an explicit policy that publishing something 
as a CR means we have consensus it is OK to ship it.

So my read of webkit’s position would be: “has indicated support for the 
feature being shipped in general, unclear when they intend to do so 
themselves”. It’s absolutely reasonable to ask webkit if you’re looking for 
something more firm that than (or more recent, or…), but I think it is worth 
noting you at least have that much.


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