What are the desired timelines for the experiments?

The design doc mentions only testing in dev and canary - do you plan to eventually experiment in beta or stable?

On 3/17/23 2:08 PM, 'Jiacheng Guo' via blink-dev wrote:

        Contact emails





The feature is not web-spec related.

        Design docs



To measure the impact of garbage collection on Blink memory cache and potential performance boost, we plan to keep strong references to loaded resources in the Blink memory cache. The change will serve as an estimation only project to collect data about the maximal cache hit rate with all resources available.

        Blink component

Blink>Loader <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Blink%3ELoader>

        TAG review

TAG review is not required since the experiment changes the internal behavior of renderer and is transparent to the websites and web developers.


        Interoperability and Compatibility

Resource reference lifetime does not affect the behavior of the browser. We do not expect there to be interoperability or compatibility issues.

/Gecko/: No signal

/WebKit/: No signal

/Web developers/: No signals

/Other signals/:

        WebView application risks

The change does not modify the behavior of web APIs

        Goals for experimentation

The four configurations will be launched on dev/canary. The combinations are: * The control group. No strong reference to resources. * Save strong references for all resources of all types for all the pages. * Save strong references for only script, fonts and stylesheets for all pages. * Save strong references for all resources for only one page. * Save strong references for only script, fonts and stylesheets for only one page. We will evaluate the following metrics under different configurations * Core web browsing metric (FCP/LCP etc) * Cache hit rate: Blink.MemoryCache.RevalidationPolicy * Memory footprint * Crash Rate

        Reason this experiment is being extended

        Ongoing technical constraints


        Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms
        (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?


        Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

No, resource reference lifetime in blink is invisible to the websites.

        Flag name

MemoryCacheStrongReference for the overall configuration. MemoryCacheStrongReferenceSingleUnload and MemoryCacheStrongReferenceFilterImages for sub configurations

        Requires code in //chrome?


        Tracking bug


        Estimated milestones

The feature is for experiment only. We do not expect to launch it to stable as it is. If the experiment provides positive results, we will move on to further refine the resource lifetime management strategy in Blink.

        Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status


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