Hi everyone,

pylint-1.5 will be removed from depot_tools on Tuesday, May 2nd.


On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 2:47 PM Josip Sokcevic <sokce...@google.com> wrote:

> We are officially deprecating pylint 1.5 in depot_tools. pylint-2.7 will
> be the new default pylint version. You can opt-in to use pylint 1.5 until
> its full removal on 2022-07-11.
> Hi all,
> The last release of pylint 1.5 was in 2016 and it's not compatible with
> python3. In the past several quarters, we made significant progress to migrate
> everything to python3
> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/f5e2f920afb299d8d59f44fde26cbe2c179b8d1f/docs/python3_migration.md>.
> As part of those efforts, we also asked users to move from pylint 1.5 to
> pylint 2.6 (bugs
> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=label%3AGetPylint&can=1&sort=status>
> ).
> Today, we are officially announcing that pylint 1.5 is deprecated and
> should no longer be used. You can expect to see warnings once your
> depot_tools is updated (you can manually update by calling
> update_depot_tools script). You can opt-in to use version 2.7 now by
> passing version='2.7' when calling input_api.canned_checks.GetPylint.
> On 2022-06-13, we will make pylint-2.7 the default version. This will
> affect all GetPylint that don't specify the pylint version. If your
> presubmit checks break because of this change, you can change presubmit to
> use pylint-1.5 by passing version='1.5' when calling
> input_api.canned_checks.GetPylint. We will be removing pylint-1.5 on
> 2022-07-11. Therefore, you will need to update your codebase to be
> pylint-2.7 compatible before pylint-1.5 is completely removed, otherwise
> your presubmit check will start to fail. You can remove the pylint
> presubmit check as a last resort.
> If you encounter any bugs, please file them under Infra>SDK
> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/entry?components=Infra%3ESDK>
> .
> Thanks,
> Gavin and Josip, on behalf of Chops Source

Josip Sokcevic

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