



On a page that has been hidden and silent for >15 minutes, each agent can
execute for 50ms per 5 minutes interval. After an agent has exhausted its
execution budget, it is frozen until the beginning of the next 5 minutes
interval, unless: - It holds a Web Lock or an IndexedDB transaction which
contends with another non-frozen page/worker. - It captures from a
microphone, camera or screen/window/tab. - It has an RTCPeerConnection with
an 'open' RTCDataChannel or a 'live' MediaStreamTrack. - It uses Web USB,
Web Bluetooth, Web HID or Web Serial. - It received a message (postMessage)
from another page/worker in the last 50ms. A frozen agent may be unfrozen
if it starts meeting one of these conditions (e.g. Web Lock held by a
frozen agent is requested by another agent). State transitions will happen
as defined in the page lifecycle API. This proposal is for desktop
platforms. On Android, pages are frozen after 5 minutes in the background
since M68 (

Blink componentBlink>Scheduling


This is a first step towards "Efficient Background Tabs
which aims to eliminate negative impact on user experience from background


Interoperability and Compatibility

It's fine if a browser does not freeze background pages. However, if a
browser does freeze background pages, complying with the Page Lifecycle
spec lets pages handle the state transition consistently across browsers.

*Gecko*: Under consideration (

*WebKit*: No signal

*Web developers*: No signals In the past, Web developers expressed concerns
about background page freezing, because it made it difficult to implement
background functionality that users care about in a reliable way (e.g.
notification for calendar event). Heuristics in this *conservative* page
freezing proposal should prevent breakages that were reported in past
proposals (e.g. 50ms of execution time per 5 minutes is sufficient to
execute a timer which shows a calendar event notification). Additionally,
we will listen to Web developers feedback on multiple channels (crbug,
blink-dev, stack overflow, twitter, github) and make adjustments to
heuristics (or refer Web developers to well-established best practices) if
we find that background functionality that users care about is broken.

*Other signals*: - Chrome on Android freezes background tabs after 5
Chrome on desktop freezes pages before putting them in the BFCache. - Edge
freezes background tabs after a configurable timeout


No Ergonomics Risks identified.


No special handling is required for browsers which don't freeze pages.


Freezing decisions are taken independently for each agent, to prevent an
agent from learning about the execution time or features used by another

WebView application risks

Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that
it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?

This proposal is for desktop only. It does not affect WebView.


DevTools > Application > Background Services will expose the frozen state
of each agent and the underlying reasons. It will also provide a mechanism
to override the frozen state.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

Flag nameconservative-page-freezing (not implemented yet)

Requires code in //chrome?False

Tracking bug

Estimated milestones

Development will start in M116.

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

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