On Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 5:53 PM 'Daniel Vogelheim' via blink-dev <
blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:

> Contact emailsvogelh...@chromium.org
> Specificationhttps://github.com/whatwg/fetch/pull/1442
> Summary
> Opaque Response Blocking (ORB) is a replacement for Cross-Origin Read
> Blocking (CORB - https://chromestatus.com/feature/5629709824032768). CORB
> and ORB are both heuristics that attempt to prevent cross-origin disclosure
> of “no-cors” subresources. This entry tracks "v0.2" of ORB - Chrome's
> second step towards a full ORB implementation. ORB specifies error handling
> for blocked resources differently from CORB: ORB raises network errors,
> while CORB injects an empty response. ORB "v0.1" still used CORB-style
> response injection. This change brings our implementation more in line with
> the ORB proposal, by changing the error handling of all fetches (except
> when initiated by a script) to be compliant with ORB. We've made a
> carve-out for script-initiated fetches (where we retain CORB behaviour for
> now) to limit compatibility risk.
> Blink componentInternals>Sandbox>SiteIsolation
> <https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/list?q=component:Internals%3ESandbox%3ESiteIsolation>
> TAG reviewNone
> (A TAG review of a particular aspect happened in:
> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/618)
> TAG review statusNot applicable
> Risks
> Interoperability and Compatibility
> This release does not modify blocking behaviour, but only how a blocked
> resource is represented. Ideally, this change shouldn't break any existing
> code since any resource that loads (or gets blocked) before will continue
> to do so after. However, it is possible to distinguish between the
> different types of error handling, and it may well happen that an
> application inadvertently relies on blocked resources "succeeding". In our
> examinations so far, this chiefly concerns fetches using the `fetch()` API,
> where blocking with a network error results in a failed promise (instead of
> a success with an empty response). For this reason, we have carved out
> script-initiated fetches from "v0.2" and intend to handle them at a later
> date.

OK, so how would this change be web exposed? Are there scenarios where an
"error" event would now fire instead of a "load" event?

> *Gecko*: No signal (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1532642)
> In implementation.
> *WebKit*: No signal (
> https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/64)
> *Web developers*: No signals
> *Other signals*: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/618
> WebView application risks
> Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs, such that
> it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based applications?
> None
> Debuggability
> Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac,
> Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?Yes
> Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
> <https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/testing/web_platform_tests.md>
> ?Yes (https://wpt.fyi/results/fetch/orb)
> Flag name on chrome://flags
> Finch feature nameOpaqueResponseBlockingV02
> Requires code in //chrome?False
> Tracking bughttps://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1463725
> Estimated milestones
> Shipping on desktop 117
> DevTrial on desktop 115
> Shipping on Android 117
> DevTrial on Android 115
> Shipping on WebView 117
> Anticipated spec changesNone
> Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status
> https://chromestatus.com/feature/5166834424217600
> Links to previous Intent discussions
> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/ScjhKz3Z6U4
> This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status
> <https://chromestatus.com/>.
> --
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