


Design docs


Web API that allows Web applications to: 1. Produce wheel events in a
captured tab or window. 2. Read/write the zoom level of a captured tab.

Blink componentBlink>GetDisplayMedia


Nearly all video-conferencing Web applications offer their users the
ability to share a browser tab, a native window, or screen. Many of these
applications also show the local user a “preview tile” with a video of the
captured display surface. All these applications suffer from the same
drawback - if the user wishes to interact with a captured tab or window,
the user must first switch to that surface, taking them away from the
video-conferencing application. This This presents a few issues: 1. Users
are distracted by the need to jump around between the video-conferencing
application and the captured application. 2. Users can't concurrently see
the captured application and the videos of remote users. 3. Users are
likewise limited in their ability to interact with controls exposed by the
video-conferencing application while they are away from it. Examples of
such controls would be an embedded chat application, emoji reactions,
knock-ins by users asking to join the call, multimedia controls, etc. 4.
Users who are presenting cannot delegate some limited control to remote
participants, leading to the all too familiar request from remote
participant to presenting participant to change slides or scroll up or
down. The Captured Surface Control API tackles these issues.

Initial public proposal

TAG reviewN/A

TAG review statusPending


Interoperability and Compatibility*Gecko*: No signal

*WebKit*: No signal

*Web developers*: No signals

*Other signals*:

WebView application risks


Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

Finch feature nameCapturedDisplaySurface

Requires code in //chrome?False

Tracking bug

Launch bug

Estimated milestones

No milestones specified

Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

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