Hi Billy Bob,

On 7/29/23 1:11 AM, Billy Bob wrote:

I have thoughtfully and respectfully written this comment. Please review it!

    But then I'm grateful that the blink-dev community remains a place
    where we can disagree respectfully and iterate openly and publicly
    on difficult and emotionally charged topics, backing us away from
    thinking and acting in an "us-vs-them" fashion. I also want to
    point out that while open to anyone, this forum is moderated for
    new posters. Moderators like myself approve any post which is
    consistent with chromium's code of conduct
    regardless of the specific point of view being taken. The
    thoughtful comments here over the past few days have been
    educational and overall calming for me, thank you!

I have watched the Web Integrity API unfold from Hackernews, the GitHub repo, and now the news. I want to be part of the discussion, not be informed of decisions after-the-fact.

You've found a great place to be part of the discussion and provide feedback (here on blink-dev, within the relevant Intent threads for a feature). And the folks working on the feature will take your feedback into account.

While you are say you are “looking for a better forum and will update when we have found one”, you have begun adding these changes <https://github.com/chromium/chromium/commit/6f47a22906b2899412e79a2727355efa9cc8f5bd>to chromium. Again, despite wanting to treat this as an early proposal for new web standards, you are already prototyping it in Chromium! It’s a bad look, bad PR, and against your own W3C code of conduct. It’s not just that you’re ignoring or leaving feedback unaddressed, it’s that all feedback is rejected in the first place too. By the time it’s implemented, it may be too late. [snip]

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the Blink process - which is how we prototype, experiment with, and eventually ship features (or decide to _not_ ship them), once approved by the Blink API Owners: https://www.chromium.org/blink/launching-features/. Prototyping features in the open (disabled, behind feature flags) is how we work.


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