On 8/22/23 10:37 AM, Yoav Weiss wrote:

On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 7:23 PM Chris Harrelson <chris...@chromium.org> wrote:

    LGTM1 to turn it on in M118 beta and report back to this group
    about use counter results/bugs reported on beta before it reaches

    On Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 2:50 AM 'Daniel Vogelheim' via blink-dev
    <blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:

        On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 11:29 AM Yoav Weiss
        <yoavwe...@chromium.org> wrote:

            On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 6:48 PM Daniel Vogelheim
            <vogelh...@google.com> wrote:

                On Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 9:10 AM Yoav Weiss
                <yoavwe...@chromium.org> wrote:

                    On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 7:27 PM Daniel Vogelheim
                    <vogelh...@google.com> wrote:

                        On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 5:55 PM Yoav Weiss
                        <yoavwe...@chromium.org> wrote:

                            On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 5:44 PM Daniel
                            Vogelheim <vogelh...@google.com> wrote:

                                On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 5:24 PM Yoav
                                Weiss <yoavwe...@chromium.org> wrote:

                                    On Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 5:53 PM
                                    'Daniel Vogelheim' via blink-dev
                                    <blink-dev@chromium.org> wrote:

                                                Contact emails





                                        Opaque Response Blocking (ORB)
                                        is a replacement for
                                        Cross-Origin Read Blocking
                                        (CORB -
                                        CORB and ORB are both
                                        heuristics that attempt to
                                        prevent cross-origin
                                        disclosure of “no-cors”
                                        subresources. This entry
                                        tracks "v0.2" of ORB -
                                        Chrome's second step towards a
                                        full ORB implementation. ORB
                                        specifies error handling for
                                        blocked resources differently
                                        from CORB: ORB raises network
                                        errors, while CORB injects an
                                        empty response. ORB "v0.1"
                                        still used CORB-style response
                                        injection. This change brings
                                        our implementation more in
                                        line with the ORB proposal, by
                                        changing the error handling of
                                        all fetches (except when
                                        initiated by a script) to be
                                        compliant with ORB. We've made
                                        a carve-out for
                                        script-initiated fetches
                                        (where we retain CORB
                                        behaviour for now) to limit
                                        compatibility risk.

                                                Blink component


                                                TAG review

                                        (A TAG review of a particular
                                        aspect happened

                                                TAG review status

                                        Not applicable


                                                Interoperability and

                                        This release does not modify
                                        blocking behaviour, but only
                                        how a blocked resource is
                                        represented. Ideally, this
                                        change shouldn't break any
                                        existing code since any
                                        resource that loads (or gets
                                        blocked) before will continue
                                        to do so after. However, it is
                                        possible to distinguish
                                        between the different types of
                                        error handling, and it may
                                        well happen that an
                                        application inadvertently
                                        relies on blocked resources
                                        "succeeding". In our
                                        examinations so far, this
                                        chiefly concerns fetches using
                                        the `fetch()` API, where
                                        blocking with a network error
                                        results in a failed promise
                                        (instead of a success with an
                                        empty response). For this
                                        reason, we have carved out
                                        script-initiated fetches from
                                        "v0.2" and intend to handle
                                        them at a later date.

                                    OK, so how would this change be
                                    web exposed? Are there scenarios
                                    where an "error" event would now
                                    fire instead of a "load" event?

                                Yes, exactly. If a site is waiting for
                                an onload event - despite not really
                                caring about whether the load is
                                actually meaningful, since it
                                currently already loads empty - then
                                it would see a behavioural change.

                            Do we have stats on how often that would
                            happen? (e.g. how often an onload event
                            fires on an ORB empty resource?)

                        No. I didn't realize I could measure onload
                        events firing specifically for ORB-blocked
                        resources. So I unfortunately don't have that

                        The number of page views with any
                        CORB/ORB-blocked resource in it hovers around
                        0.35% of page loads. That should provide an
                        upper bound, but doesn't tell us how many of
                        them care about the onload/onerror events.

                    One way to avoid a 2 months delay while we're
                    waiting on data could be to add the use counters +
                    a base feature and go ahead with a removal, but
                    turning it off if we see that the actual breakage
                    exceeds some threshold.

                Turning this on via server-side experiments (and thus
                being able to turn it off quickly on problem reports)
                is easy to do. It might make sense to have it enabled
                on beta 50/50 for a while, to see whether anyone notices.

                I find it surprisingly hard to implement the use
                counters: The code that knows the network status (and
                thus _why_ a response might be empty) is separated by
                several layers from the code that knows the element
                and whether it has any event handlers. :-/

            I agree that piping that information over from the browser
            to the renderer would be an overkill (and may have
            security implications on its own). In that case, a careful
            Finch may be sufficient.
            One last thought - maybe it's possible to report the
            information to UKM from both sides of the code, and join
            it at analysis time? (if that's not too complex)

        I've now landed the usecounter CL. What I'd like to do is:
        Enable the feature on beta now and wait for numbers to arrive
        from the usecounters. This would give us two signals on

        According to the current schedule, the counters will make it
        into 118.

                                        /Gecko/: No signal
                                        In implementation.

                                        /WebKit/: No signal

                                        /Web developers/: No signals

                                        /Other signals/:

                                                WebView application risks

                                        Does this intent deprecate or
                                        change behavior of existing
                                        APIs, such that it has
                                        potentially high risk for
                                        Android WebView-based



                                                Will this feature be
                                                supported on all six
                                                Blink platforms
                                                (Windows, Mac, Linux,
                                                Chrome OS, Android,
                                                and Android WebView)?


                                                Is this feature fully
                                                tested by


                                                Flag name on

                                                Finch feature name


                                                Requires code in //chrome?


                                                Tracking bug


                                                Estimated milestones

                                        Shipping on desktop     117
                                        DevTrial on desktop     115

                                        Shipping on Android     117
                                        DevTrial on Android     115

                                        Shipping on WebView     117

                                                Anticipated spec changes


                                                Link to entry on the
                                                Chrome Platform Status


                                                Links to previous
                                                Intent discussions


                                        This intent message was
                                        generated by Chrome Platform
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