
Intent to Ship: Honoring Android OS-Level Bold Text Settings


Contact emails

mschill...@google.com, dr...@google.com


Help users who need more contrast in their fonts for increased readability,
by adding support for a new Android a11y API that opts into text being
always bold.


No formal design doc

Relevant CL: crrev.com/c/4809211

The FontBuilder::CreateFont method (link
will include a call to a new method, FontBuilder::UpdateWeightAdjustment
(see CL). This adjustment will be added to the current font weight and
clamped to the min/max weight values for that font. The font weight
adjustment can be any number; but with the current Android OS it will be 0
by default (no bolding), or 300 when a user has enabled bold text. For
example, a font with weight 400 would become weight 700 when the user has
enabled the OS-level setting. This will apply to all elements on the web.


The Android OS has an accessibility option to enable “Bold text”. When
enabled, all content rendered by Android will be in bold. We intend to make
this user setting affect web contents in addition to the native OS widgets.

Supporting Links

No formal explainer doc


Android 12 announcement: https://www.android.com/android-12/

Google support page:

Demo link

Video link (Alphabet internal)

Screenshots of the feature enabled without and with bold text user setting:


This is an accessibility feature, and we want parity between the web and
Android OS.


Interoperability and Compatibility

No interoperability or compatibility risks as this is an Android only
feature. This will not run on any other platforms.

Solving the intended problem

See demo.


This feature is likely to be used in parallel to text size scaling or page
zooming, since both are intended to assist low-vision users.



Is this feature supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux,
Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?

No, this is an Android only feature. It is controlled by a setting that is
only available in the Android OS-level settings.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

Progressed upstreamed.

Link to entry on the feature dashboard <https://www.chromestatus.com/>


Requesting approval to ship?


 Honoring Android OS-Level Bold Text Settings

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