LGTM3, with same condition.

On 12/20/23 11:58 AM, Chris Harrelson wrote:
LGTM2 to ship, with a commitment to move this part of the spec to WICG if it gets removed from the mediacapture-extensions spec.

On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 11:06 AM Alex Russell <slightly...@chromium.org> wrote:


    On Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 8:00:41 AM UTC-8 Rick Byers wrote:

        Sounds good Henrik! Yes, from our brief discussion in the API
        owners meeting I believe you have support from at least 3 API
        owners to proceed in this direction. It's important to us that
        we engage constructively in the standards process even in
        areas of differing opinion, but it's also crucial to our
        process that we not let such differences in opinion and
        priority be an effective veto power over what we choose to
        ship in Chromium. I'd encourage you and the WebRTC group to
        formalize processes for amicably agreeing to disagree on the
        importance of different use cases, while still being open to
        technical feedback and doing what we reasonably can to
        maximize the chance that the APIs we ship can eventually be
        interoperable if priorities of the other engines someday
        change [*]. API owners would also be interested to hear any
        other arguments for why Chromium shipping these APIs would be
        bad for the web (on this list, or anywhere else). I know
        there's a messy history with WebRTC in particular and services
        coming to depend on Chromium-only APIs when suitable
        standards-track alternatives are available in other engines.
        That's IMHO definitely not a pattern we want to risk repeating.

        Of course you also need Chrome privacy and security reviews,
        since it's important that features like this don't create a
        hole in our careful balance of side channel attack
        mitigations. But I see you already have privacy approval so
        hopefully security isn't too far off. You might want to wait
        for a signal there before starting implementation.

        Personally I'm also less concerned about interoperability
        risks when it comes to metrics API. It's already the case that
        our top performance metrics (Core Web Vitals) have APIs
        exposed only in Chromium. There's certainly some interop risk
        there, eg. of sites optimizing in engine-specific ways. But in
        practice we've seen developers use these APIs mostly to make
        their sites faster in ways that generally apply to all
        engines. So in that case, Safari and Firefox are getting most
        of the benefit of these APIs existing without having to incur
        most of the cost, which seems like a fine outcome to me. Also,
        I'm confident that if we eventually agree with other engines
        on some better way to expose the same information, then we can
        deprecate and remove any API shape we ship today and customers
        can migrate over without causing user-visible breakage
        (worst-case we just return dummy values on the deprecated APIs).


        [*] My favorite example of this is Pointer Events where Apple
        was opposed to the use case, but also had good technical
        critiques of the API. We eventually (after a lot of research,
        open debate, and some flip-flopping by me) shipped a version
        of the API that addressed the legitimate technical concerns
        without addressing Apple's objections around the use case.
        Years later when a use case materialized for Apple (the Apple
        Pen), they just shipped the API in a fully interoperable
        fashion. That (as well as cases of the inverse where we
        realize we were wrong and unship) is what we mean by the blink
        process being designed for "eventual interoperability".

        On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 4:34 AM Henrik Boström
        <h...@chromium.org> wrote:

            Thanks, Rick. Responses inline.

            On Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:39:48 PM UTC+1 Rick
            Byers wrote:

                I looked into the details of the standards debate on
                this issue. It sounds like it's still unclear whether
                the spec for this has WG support or not, right? I
                certainly wouldn't want to mislead anyone as to API
                maturity / likely interoperability by shipping based
                on a WebRTC WG specification if there is an unresolved
                process concern.

            I think it's safe to say we don't have consensus on the
            frame counters (exposing dropped/glitches), while capture
            latency hopefully be less contentious.

                That said, I think Chromium's position on the
                technical debate here is pretty clear - we do believe
                there's value in such stats APIs, even IF they can
                only represent browser bugs (it's why we ship a crash
                reporting API
                <https://wicg.github.io/crash-reporting/>, which has
                been similarly controversial with Mozilla and Apple).
                We disagree that "there's nothing web developers can
                do about it". Maybe that's true for Apple and Mozilla,
                but for Google we rely critically on developer
                feedback through both open (crbug.com
                <http://crbug.com>) and private (Google partnerships)
                channels and we want to make it as easy as possible
                for developers to report an issue they're seeing to us
                in a way that's actionable. Our privacy policy limits
                Chrome's visibility into what's going on in the wild.
                So usually we find this requires a mix of both
                site-acquired telemetry and browser-required
                telemetry, and find the two can often complement each
                other nicely.

                Henrik, my advice if the WG doesn't have consensus for
                this API is to move it to some incubation venue (like
                a WICG group). You clearly have a community of web
                developers who want it, so it's probably more
                productive to focus standards energy among allies who
                share an interest for the use case, right? If you're
                willing to promptly move this to a WICG spec in the
                event the WG asks to remove it from their spec, then I
                don't think this debate changes anything from a blink
                API owner's perspective so I'm OK treating it as
                non-blocking. A subset of API owners met today
                (Daniel, Mike Taylor, Philip and I), and agreed with
                this stance. WDYT?

            Me moving this to a WICG spec in the event that the WG
            asks to remove them from mediacapture-extensions sounds
            good to me.
            If me and/or the WebRTC Audio Team has access to a WICG
            spec for these things, that may also give us a venue for,
            in the future, exploring /playout/ glitch metrics in a
            more enthusiastic setting, which is in the early stages of
            discussions internally.

                In terms of testing, normally we ask to see the tests
                land before approving an I2S. Any reason we shouldn't
                wait for that here?

            Given the "controversy" around the glitch metrics, the
            WebRTC Audio Team wanted to get some Blink owners signals
            before they spend the engineering efforts to implement
            this (including WPTs).
            But if Blink owners also see the value in these metrics
            and we have a plan (= move to WICG in the event that they
            are removed) I see no reason not to ask them to start
            implementation today.

            For reference, see the WPTs we added for the video track
            stats here
            The audio track stats WPTs should be similar and also
            complemented by C++ unit tests in lower layers.


                On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 11:53 AM Henrik Boström
                <h...@chromium.org> wrote:

                    Contact emails
                    h...@chromium.org, o...@chromium.org
                    <mailto:o...@chromium.org>, h...@chromium.org



                    The MediaStreamTrack Statistics API, or
                    `track.stats`, has already shipped for video
                    tracks: see previous I2S here

                    This is the same API but for audio tracks, also
                    motivated by the app's desire to measure capture
                    quality. This is very important for conferencing
                    websites such as Google Meet, Microsoft Teams,
                    Zoom, Goto Meetings, etc. All of which has
                    expressed an interest in the audio portion of this

                    The API is only available for getUserMedia()
                    sourced audio tracks, i.e. microphone, so the API
                    is behind a user prompt and only available during

                    The new interface we want to ship is
                    which allow measuring two things from the audio
                    capture pipeline:

                    1. The number of audio frames, including if any
                    audio frames are dropped by the device, OS or User
                    Agent. This allows measuring glitches in captured

                    2. The input latency, such as due to buffering or
                    other delays in delivering the audio frames to the
                    track's sinks.

                    Blink component

                    Interoperability and Compatibility

                    Because the API provides /statistics/about capture
                    quality, rather than providing capture
                    /functionality, /the interop/compatibility risk is

                    /Gecko/: Standards position issue
                    /WebKit/: Standards position issue

                    While the audio stats API is written by the W3C
                    WebRTC Working Group and track statistics overall
                    is not controversial, there is an ongoing
                    disagreement with Mozilla about whether or not
                    dropped frames (= totalFrames - deliveredFrames)
                    should be exposed to the web in the audio case.
                    The disagreement is tracked by this issue
                    Our need for this metric has been discussed at
                    Virtual Interims, see recording with 10:39
                    <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJMXnf3Qwh8&t=639s> but
                    no consensus could be reached (rough consensus was
                    reached between everyone except Mozilla). Youenn
                    (Apple) has shown that frames can be dropped due
                    to Bluetooth connection
                    is not just "measuring browser bugs".

                    /Web developers/: Positive
                    - The I2P
                    support from Teams, Zoom and GoTo meetings.
                    - In the spec issue
                    regarding the disagreement, more developer support
                    is expressed (e.g. alfredh from Nvidia and

                    WebView application risks


                    Will this feature be supported on all six Blink
                    platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, Android,
                    and Android WebView)?

                    Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests
                    Yes and WPTs will be written as part of
                    implementing this, however unit tests will also be
                    needed to verify accuracy of metrics on a lower
                    level. WPTs will be more general like "frame
                    counters increase over time during capture" and
                    that run-to-completion semantics are preserved.

                    Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status

                    Links to previous Intent discussions
                    Intent to prototype:

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