Thanks for the update. I might have jinxed it when I said "breakage in this case would just be cosmetic (unless someone is doing something really clever)"... I hadn't considered editor use cases.

Do you think this will ever be shippable, even with a gutenberg update? I would imagine old versions stick around for a very long time.

On 12/21/23 9:54 AM, Stephen Chenney wrote:
Update: Due to breakage of the Wordpress editor, and a couple of other sites, we plan to delay the Stable ship milestone to 122.

I'll update the status entry etc.


On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 10:34 AM Yoav Weiss <> wrote:


    On Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 4:18:59 PM UTC+1 Daniel Bratell


        You may want to ping the Mozilla standards position issue and
        let them know that we are close to shipping. It looks like
        they forgotten it.


        On 2023-11-06 16:43, Mike Taylor wrote:

        Thanks for the detailed explanation of compat and for filing
        a TAG review. The risk of breakage seems low (and I suppose
        we'll learn how true that is as the change rides the trains),
        and breakage in this case would just be cosmetic (unless
        someone is doing something really clever).

        LGTM1 to ship. Good luck. :)

        On 11/3/23 12:19 PM, Stephen Chenney wrote:
        Note that I have moved the shipping milestone to M121, and
        have created a TAG review issue.

        On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 10:07 AM Stephen Chenney
        <> wrote:

            On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 11:11 AM Stephen Chenney
            <> wrote:

                Answers inline. Regarding Ander's comment on the
                current base_feature setting: I'll fix that.


                On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 4:17 AM Yoav Weiss
                <> wrote:

                    On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 1:45 PM Stephen Chenney
                    <> wrote:

                                Contact emails





                        With CSS Highlight Inheritance, the CSS
                        Highlight pseudo classes, such as
                        ::selection and ::highlight, inherit their
                        properties through the pseudo highlight
                        chain, rather than the element chain. The
                        result is a more intuitive model for
                        inheritance of properties in highlights.
                        Specifically, "When any supported property
                        is not given a value by the cascade ... its
                        specified value is determined by inheritance
                        from the corresponding highlight
                        pseudo-element of its originating element’s
                        parent element."

                                Blink component


                                TAG review


                    Features are exempt from a TAG review only when
                    another vendor has already shipped them. That
                    doesn't seem to be the case here.

                The feature is in the CSS pseudos spec and has been
                for quite a while. The CSS Working Group has been
                discussing issues too and Safari, at least, is
                implementing according to the spec. I think the ship
                has sailed for any major revision to the behavior.
                (For context, there was no feature defined for this
                change until recently because it was originally
                viewed as a "make the code implement the spec" change.)

        TAG Review Issue:

                                TAG review status

                        Not applicable


                                Interoperability and Compatibility

                        The feature is still under implementation in
                        other browser engines, but the standards are
                        well developed and there is general
                        agreement on the spec. I think compat risk
                        is very limited at this time.

                    Does this feature change the behavior of
                    existing uses of ::highlight and ::selection? Is
                    there risk from breakage there?

                The change aligns the behavior of ::selection with
                Firefox. ::highlight is already implemented with
                this behavior. There was breakage of ::selection due
                to custom property handling, which was resolved at
                the spec level and fixed in chromium before sending
                this intent. No other bugs have come in over the
                extended period that this has been on for
                experimental web platform features (since M111).

            My above comment is wrong: The spec defining this
            feature does change the behavior of ::selection (not
            ::highlight) for all browsers. But evidence suggests
            that the mitigations that sites used to work around the
            old behavior still work with the new behavior, so
            breakage is very limited. There was a single source of
            significant breakage when the feature was first turned
            on and the spec and code have been changed to maintain
            the former behavior (related to custom properties on
            root applying to ::selection). We have had zero other
            reported bugs from enabling the feature experimentally.

            Some history ... The spec was changed in response to an
            issue where Firefox wanted to un-prefix -moz-selection
            but was not obeying the old spec. As I understand it,
            the selection style was checking for ::selection on the
            selected element, using it if found, otherwise using the
            root selection styling. All browsers were doing this.

            Sites were designed to work around this through the
            judicious use of ::selection on various elements. That
            is, put ::selection on anything you wanted a specified
            selection on, and if the inheritance was wrong, add a
            more specific ::selection selector. Hence the heavy use
            of custom properties to keep all these ::selection
            declarations in sync. You can see this, for example, on
            GitHub where they define ::selection for an element,
            element > span, and element > span > span, and again for
            light and dark mode. Sass even has an operator with a
            comment on it saying they would remove it if the spec is

            This intent to ship does not break sites that have taken
            this approach. Specific selectors for ::selection will
            resolve to the same properties as they do now. The
            improvement is that "element > span::selection" and
            "element > span > span::selection" can now be removed in
            favor of just "element::selection".

                        /Gecko/: Neutral
                        emilio@ is active in standards discussions
                        on the issues, but I am not aware of

                        /WebKit/: In development
                        I have a private email from the Apple
                        engineer tasked with implementing. I don't
                        want to reveal PI.

                        /Web developers/: Developer ergonomics is
                        the primary concern motivating highlight
                        inheritance. See
                        the initial spec discussion related to the
                        behavior of ::selection. See
                        an example of a user seeing unexpected
                        behavior without this feature.

                        /Other signals/:




                        No. This reflects the already active
                        behavior for ::selection in Firefox and the
                        already used behavior for ::highlight,
                        ::spelling and ::grammar.


                        There are no security risks.

                                WebView application risks



                        Devtools supports highlight pseudos and
                        correctly shows the inheritance chain.

                                Will this feature be supported on
                                all six Blink platforms (Windows,
                                Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and
                                Android WebView)?


                        There are no cross-platform issues with
                        implementation and no reason to discriminate
                        on platform.

                                Is this feature fully tested by


                        highlight-cascade-* covers this
                        functionality. There are additional WPT that
                        make use of the feature in

                                Flag name on chrome://flags


                                Finch feature name


                                Non-finch justification

                        The feature was enabled as experimental way
                        back in M111 and stayed that way until M116
                        when it was switched back to test, and it is
                        back on experimental for M118. Developers
                        have significant experience with the feature
                        enabled via experimental web platform
                        features. There is no value to running a
                        finch trial given the large amount of
                        existing experience with the feature.

                                Requires code in //chrome?


                                Estimated milestones

                        Shipping on desktop     120
                        DevTrial on desktop     118

                        Shipping on Android     120
                        DevTrial on Android     118

                        Shipping on WebView     120

                                Anticipated spec changes


                                Link to entry on the Chrome Platform


                                Links to previous Intent discussions

                        Ready for Trial:

                        This intent message was generated by Chrome
                        Platform Status <>.
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