LGTM1 to ship.

On Tue, Dec 26, 2023, 10:10 AM Joey Arhar <jar...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Thanks Luke!
> Now that WebKit is shipping, can I get approval to implement and ship
> :state(foo) alongside :--foo, then deprecate and remove :--foo?
> On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 12:17 PM Luke <lukewarlow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Fwiw CustomStateSets with the :state() syntax is now enabled by default
>> on WebKit trunk.
>> https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/compare/8faf2e8d8d0c...26f4507be15d
>> On Tuesday 24 October 2023 at 01:47:10 UTC+1 sligh...@chromium.org wrote:
>>> For the avoidance of doubt, would just like to re-emphasise that landing
>>> a new syntax is less attractive than compatible additions to the existing
>>> one. If there are new problems being solved by the new syntax, it might be
>>> helpful to explain what they are in a short summary somewhere, with bonus
>>> points for why they cannot be addressed with compatible additions to the
>>> shipped syntax.
>>> Best,
>>> Alex
>>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023, 3:47 PM Chris Wilson <cwi...@google.com> wrote:
>>>> I'll raise this at the next WHATWG SG meeting (tomorrow) as a working
>>>> mode question, but I would be willing to say that "we will agree to make
>>>> this change if someone else commits via shipping" would fulfill "we would
>>>> like to implement this soon".  The WHATWG Working Mode doesn't go into
>>>> great detail about what happens if support is withdrawn prior to
>>>> implementation - my informal understanding is that such features would end
>>>> up getting pulled.  I think this particular situation ends up effectively
>>>> putting double the "supports" emphasis on another implementer; merging of
>>>> the spec PR would be strongly driven by understanding of Apple's (in this
>>>> case) commitment to support.  This is personal opinion, of course, and I'll
>>>> reflect back the discussion with the SG.
>>>> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 2:15 PM Daniel Bratell <brat...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> From my API owner hat: I don't mind the change in general but don't
>>>>> think we should change from something that exists to something different
>>>>> unless it brings more interoperability, which is why I think it is a
>>>>> reasonable decision to not ship until at least another browser does the
>>>>> same.
>>>>> The suggestion to avoid further massaging of the spec until another
>>>>> browser has caught up was a suggestion, and not a MUST, and was not
>>>>> intended to prevent anything already in the pipeline from landing.
>>>>> /Daniel
>>>>> On 2023-10-23 16:46, Chris Harrelson wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 9:32 PM Domenic Denicola <dom...@chromium.org>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 1:10 AM Chris Harrelson <chri...@chromium.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM Joey Arhar <jar...@chromium.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > > For the purposes of WHATWG's multi-implementer support
>>>>>>>> criteria: I will assume we cannot check the box for "Chromium supports 
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> feature" until a different browser has shipped :state() to their stable
>>>>>>>> channel. (Let me know if that is incorrect.)
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Chromium does support the feature, and it should be marked as
>>>>>>>> such in the WHATWG. (We've shipped it in fact, just with a slightly
>>>>>>>> different name for the moment.)
>>>>>>>> Yeah I'm worried that not merging the spec would be a confusing
>>>>>>>> signal to Apple and then they might never implement anything. I'd like 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> see the HTML spec get merged as :state().
>>>>>>> +1!
>>>>>> I'd like to get confirmation from this from the API Owners as a whole
>>>>>> before moving forward. This is the first time that Chromium, or indeed 
>>>>>> any
>>>>>> implementer, has said "we will not ship the contents of this PR" (until
>>>>>> some future condition, outside your control, comes to pass). But, 
>>>>>> supports
>>>>>> merging the PR. Indeed, this goes against the "should" in the WHATWG
>>>>>> working mode <https://whatwg.org/working-mode#additions> for feature
>>>>>> additions; "we would be willing to implement this after another 
>>>>>> implementer
>>>>>> ships to stable" is very different from "we would like to implement this
>>>>>> soon".
>>>>> Chromium support already meets the "must" part of the definition you
>>>>> linked to. It also meets the "should" part as written. "We would like to
>>>>> implement this soon" is true.
>>>>>> So I'd appreciate it if the API Owners could, in their next
>>>>>> discussion of this topic, resolve whether or not Chromium supports 
>>>>>> :state()
>>>>>> being added to the HTML Standard, even before any other engine ships it.
>>>>> The API owners are not in charge of the kind of decision. My API owner
>>>>> hat off, I (and Mason) have provided support as owners of the relevant 
>>>>> part
>>>>> of Chromium.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 8:55 AM Chris Harrelson <
>>>>>>>> chri...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 6:48 PM Domenic Denicola <
>>>>>>>>> dom...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Chris and the API Owners for having this discussion! I am
>>>>>>>>>> sympathetic to this being a hard problem with the strong potential 
>>>>>>>>>> to set a
>>>>>>>>>> bad precedent.
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 3:00 AM Chris Harrelson <
>>>>>>>>>> chri...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 10:59 AM Chris Harrelson <
>>>>>>>>>>> chri...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The API owners met yesterday and discussed this intent. Our
>>>>>>>>>>>> consensus was that we would like to wait until another browser has
>>>>>>>>>>>> implemented and is shipping :state before we approve shipping it in
>>>>>>>>>>>> Chromium. We also don't recommend spending more time on further 
>>>>>>>>>>>> bikeshet
>>>>>>>>>>>> spec discussions for it in the meantime, and leave the spec as-is.
>>>>>>>>>>> "bikeshed", that is.
>>>>>>>>>> With my HTML spec editor hat on, I have a clarifying point and
>>>>>>>>>> question.
>>>>>>>>>> "Leave the spec as-is": right now there are unmerged CSS
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/8213> and HTML
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/8467> spec PRs, plus a WICG
>>>>>>>>>> spec <https://wicg.github.io/custom-state-pseudo-class/>. So
>>>>>>>>>> it's not clear exactly which spec you're referring to, but I guess 
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> advice is for Chromium engineers to not invest effort in changing 
>>>>>>>>>> any of
>>>>>>>>>> these three work items for bikeshed considerations. (Let me know if 
>>>>>>>>>> this is
>>>>>>>>>> incorrect.) Of course, other community members can continue to work 
>>>>>>>>>> on the
>>>>>>>>>> spec if they wish.
>>>>>>>>> Those PRs should be finished and landed. My/our comment was only
>>>>>>>>> about bikeshedding.
>>>>>>>>> For the purposes of WHATWG's multi-implementer support criteria: I
>>>>>>>>>> will assume we cannot check the box for "Chromium supports this 
>>>>>>>>>> feature"
>>>>>>>>>> until a different browser has shipped :state() to their stable 
>>>>>>>>>> channel.
>>>>>>>>>> (Let me know if that is incorrect.)
>>>>>>>>> Chromium does support the feature, and it should be marked as such
>>>>>>>>> in the WHATWG. (We've shipped it in fact, just with a slightly 
>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>> name for the moment.)
>>>>>>>>>>>> We think this plan is a reasonable approach to reduce work for
>>>>>>>>>>>> web developers and Chromium implementers in the short term while 
>>>>>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>>>>>> achieving interop in the future.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 11:41 AM Alex Russell <
>>>>>>>>>>>> sligh...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> We've spent a LOT of time discussing this one in API OWNERS,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and my disinclination to allow this to move forward remains. What 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we're
>>>>>>>>>>>>> observing in this Intent is an anti-pattern in which:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - Chromium engineers follow a process that is designed to put
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    developer needs above implementer preferences
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://www.w3.org/2019/09/17-components-minutes.html#:~:text=chrishtr:%20I%20think%20having%20custom%20states%20was%20the%20%231%20request%20on%20top%20of%20parts>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    explore the design space earnestly, work with developers to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vet a solution,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    and work to build interest with other vendors
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/CApU9QIu3TM/m/LPKLLLahDQAJ>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - Other projects fail to implement and/or implement
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    alternatives.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - The API OWNERS take a calculated risk to ship first.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    That is premised on collateral the development team provides 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    design solves an important problem well, demonstrating 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> developer support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    and that our process for open development has given ample time 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for others
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    to engage and help shape the design.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - Time passes (often years).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - Without implementing themselves, other vendors demand
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    that the design change to achieve "consensus" within a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> standards body, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    without demonstrating real deficiencies in the shipped API or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> even feedback
>>>>>>>>>>>>>    from developers that we were wrong in some important way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or put another way, spec fiction is being allowed to trump
>>>>>>>>>>>>> real-world problem solving, and that's not what our process is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> designed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> facilitate.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not only does this pattern further escalate the costs involved
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the process to deliver a feature where we have already paid 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> treble to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ice-break, it potentially breaks applications -- remember that we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> suffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from enterprise blindness in our use counters, so it's probable 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will also need to reach out to, e.g., Salesforce and ask them to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>>>>>> collect data. This pattern also drags us away from other work 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that would
>>>>>>>>>>>>> expand the platform for users and developers in productive ways.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> These costs may seems small on an individual feature basis,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but they add up fast and set terrible precedent. I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *extremely* unhappy that we seem to be engaging in more of it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> over the past year, particularly without strong arguments for why 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the new
>>>>>>>>>>>>> design is superior. Even the recent debate over this feature is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> largely
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about non-committal mild preferences:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4805#issuecomment-1663111980
>>>>>>>>>>>>> At this point I've read substantially all of the minutes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> related to these design choices, and this is *absolutely *late
>>>>>>>>>>>>> bikeshedding by folks who haven't implemented either alternative 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and were
>>>>>>>>>>>>> widely consulted at the time we backstopped the initial I2S.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Per our conversation yesterday, I'm struggling to get to "yes"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on this. At a minimum, I need a stronger argument for why we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> should make
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this change than that someone in the CSS WG had a mild preference 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> years
>>>>>>>>>>>>> after the CSS WG was first consulted on the problem. It would 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> help if we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> had a commitment from the Intent proposers to avoid this sort of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> change in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> future. Deciding to ship this would also need to be clearly 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> disclaimed as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-precedent, and I'd be looking from support of the managers of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>>>>>>> teams to prevent this sort of make-work in future. How close are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> we to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> agreement on that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 7:49:09 AM UTC-7 Brian
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kardell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't normally weigh in on these but I just wanted to say
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I think this one is pretty unique for a whole bunch of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reasons and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's not just an example of bikeshedding after shipping by a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vendor or something.  It's more than that.  As much as I think 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> important, and wanted it, there were a million other things to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> talk about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> re: custom elements that were ahead of it and it just didn't get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the level
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of oxygen that it needed from many quarters, it seems to me, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> order to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> surface the right thoughts.  As it's picked up, over the last 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> few years
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there were disagreements, counterpoints, etc at many stages 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through WHATWG,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TAG, CSSWG... It feels like it would be good to summarize all of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somewhere - and I'm not even saying the decision here is "right" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something ... I'm just saying that I don't think it is as simple 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "bikeshedding after shipping" implies
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 4:54:26 PM UTC-4 Chris
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harrelson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding why change to :state() instead of :--: as is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> typical, it was done in order to gain consensus; in particular, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the CSSWG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolution notes indicate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4805#issuecomment-1663111980>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  (see
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comment from the chair) one motivation is to align with WHATWG 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not end
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up with a situation where two standards groups have opposing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> positions in a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gray-area situation and no progress is made.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think that 0.03% is a big problem to deprecate, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommend we just make the change to match a hard-won consensus 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and move
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on. It's easy enough to support both syntaxes for some amount 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before removing the old one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 1:49 PM Chris Harrelson <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chri...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 2:24 PM Jeffrey Yasskin <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jyas...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apparently +Chris Wilson had part of this discussion with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alan Stearns in April at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/8730#issuecomment-1524167658,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the suggestion was that if a CSS spec for a feature is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "unstable"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (meaning 'not at CR'?), then we should either post "we're 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about to send an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intent" to the last issue discussing it, or file an "Is X 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ready to ship?"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue. I think +Chris Harrelson is likely to have the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strongest opinions about this: should we add such a rule to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our launch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> process for CSS features?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think we generally shouldn't ship CSS features before
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is robust discussion and consensus at the CSSWG, and I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think Chromium
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> features have done a good job at that. The CSSWG resolution 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the various stages of W3C standardization help to build 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confidence about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the degree of consensus and commitment, as do signals from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other browser
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vendors. I don't think we should additionally require filing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an "is X ready
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to ship?" issue at the CSSWG for CSS features.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeffrey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 1:15 PM Jeffrey Yasskin <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jyas...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 1:08 PM Joey Arhar <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jar...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I'd like to understand better how we wound up shipping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :--foo and then having the CSSWG ask us to change it to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :state(foo)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead, and what we could do in the future to avoid it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happening again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think if this was specced before shipping that would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have been better and is a practice that I (and we?) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> currently follow, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this was shipped a number of years ago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, good point: it's totally possible that our more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recent process rigor is sufficient, and we don't need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything new to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prevent this in the future. No matter what, we should expect 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the occasional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> old feature to pop up and be an exception.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do think that it's worth finding a way to write down
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your current practice, so that it doesn't regress if you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> switch teams. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think you mean that you do "hold off on shipping CSS 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> features until they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> land in an official draft", so let's try to record that if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's our idea of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the solution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > As far as I can see, nobody asked for the ergonomic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> evidence that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.chromium.org/blink/guidelines/web-platform-changes-guidelines/#browser-engine-reviews
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says we can expect after Chrome has shipped a feature.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This was my bad, I didn't realize or didn't completely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consider usecounters before I presented the name change to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the CSSWG.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am hoping that with an answer from the API owners, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can go back to the CSSWG and potentially change it back.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There is still no merged spec in HTML or CSS for this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature yet, but I have open PRs in both specs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 1:00 PM Jeffrey Yasskin <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jyas...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +1 on the API owners discussing this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to understand better how we wound up shipping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :--foo and then having the CSSWG ask us to change it to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :state(foo)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead, and what we could do in the future to avoid it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happening again.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like the initial proposal was :state(foo); the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CSSWG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asked to change it to :--foo in 2020
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4805#issuecomment-591547956>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we shipped that in M90 in 2021
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://chromestatus.com/feature/6537562418053120> (with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a feature entry that still says :state 🙃); then Ryosuke
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggested undoing that change in January 2023
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/8467#issuecomment-1381645661>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the CSSWG accepted that suggestion in August
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4805#issuecomment-1663111980>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I can see, nobody asked for the ergonomic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> evidence that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.chromium.org/blink/guidelines/web-platform-changes-guidelines/#browser-engine-reviews
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> says we can expect after Chrome has shipped a feature. It 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't seem like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this feature was so contentious that the team needed to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use a name change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a bargaining chip, so we should probably have insisted 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on more evidence
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before agreeing with the change. Maybe that's still a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "should" instead of a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "should have": Joey's second email
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/JvpHoUfhJYE/m/wPAHJzIvAQAJ>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  might
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> say that the CSSWG's resolution
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4805#issuecomment-1663111980>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about this isn't as committed as it appears to an external 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> observer?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we generally hold off on shipping CSS features
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until they land in an official draft, or even in a CR? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we be clearer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the CSSWG when we decide to ship ahead of their 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consensus that the bar
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for changes is going up? There's not good support for this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kind of per-WG
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> restriction in Chrome Status yet, but maybe it'll fit near
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chromium-dashboard/issues/3390.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeffrey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 12:32 PM Alex Russell <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sligh...@chromium.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hrm, this is another instance of bikeshedding after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shipping, and I'm not inclined to approve. Perhaps we can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discuss at next
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> week's API OWNERs meeting?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adding others who I know are interested in this topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, September 29, 2023 at 9:16:13 AM UTC-7 Joey
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arhar wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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