On 1/2/24 11:42 AM, Nicolás Peña wrote:
Brief update: both spec PRs are now merged. Hoping to ship in M122.

On Friday, December 15, 2023 at 2:29:58 PM UTC-5 Nicolás Peña wrote:

    Contact emails



    Domain Hint (formerly hosted domain):

    Disconnect (formerly revoke):

    (Note: in the FedCM team, we have explainers in the form of GitHub
    issues per feedback
    FedID CG. The issue and the first comment are the explainers in
    each case.)


    Domain Hint: https://github.com/fedidcg/FedCM/pull/512


    Note on spec PR merging policy (to answer the question “why has
    the first not been merged”): in the FedID CG, we have agreed that
    non-editorial spec PRs require review from two implementations.
    Disconnect has been approved, while domainHint is still under
    review. Both features have been discussed thoroughly in the FedID
    CG and the feedback there has been incorporated.


    Allows showing only accounts matching a given domain hint in the
    FedCM account chooser, and allows disconnecting a federated login
    account via the relying party website. With domain hint,
    developers may provide a better UX by only showing the federated
    login accounts from the domain that they accept. With the
    disconnect API, a relying party (RP) may notify the identity
    provider (IdP) that an IdP account previously used via FedCM in an
    RP is now disconnected, and hence using that account again via
    federated login would require treating it as a new account.

    Blink component


    TAG review


    TAG review status

    Issues addressed


    Interoperability and Compatibility

    These are small additions to the FedCM API, which has (general)
    support from WebKit and Mozilla. They haven't shipped FedCM yet,
    but it would not be a lot more work to add these features. If a
    user agent did not have domain hint support, this would mean it
    would show more accounts in the chooser compared to user agents
    which do have domain hint support. Not adding disconnect would
    mean that this feature of allowing RPs to disconnect accounts
    would not be available in the browser, but it would not impact the
    FedCM API otherwise.

    Gecko: Positive for disconnect and no signal yet for domainHint.
    Firefox asked us to not send standards positions requests for
    small FedCM additions, and to instead rely on pull requests. See

    WebKit: No signal

    Web developers: Positive. This is a feature requested by
    developers to satisfy existing flows which break once third-party
    cookies are removed.

    Other signals:


    It will be often used within the FedCM API. We do not see
    ergonomics risks.


    Domain hint can be polyfilled via login hint but it would be
    pretty cumbersome to do so. The disconnect API would be hard to
    polyfill, but could perhaps be done in a non-user friendly way via
    popups. This would still be imperfect since the browser knowledge
    about the connection would not be cleared, only the IdP-side
    disconnection would occur.


    The Disconnect endpoint will use CORS. An RP may not impact the
    connection status of accounts not belonging to that RP origin.

    WebView application risks

    Does this intent deprecate or change behavior of existing APIs,
    such that it has potentially high risk for Android WebView-based

    N/A (FedCM does not work on WebViews)


    Console errors and DevTools issues will be used to highlight any
    issues with the disconnect call.

    Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms
    (Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Android WebView)?

    FedCM is not supported on Android WebView.

    Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests

    Yes. Look for domainhint and disconnect

    Flag name on chrome://flags

    FedCmDomainHint, FedCmDisconnect

    Finch feature name

    FedCmDomainHint, FedCmDisconnect

    Requires code in //chrome?


    Tracking bug

    implementations in the two BlockedOn bugs)

    Launch bug


    Estimated milestones

    No milestones specified

    Anticipated spec changes

    Open questions about a feature may be a source of future web
    compat or interop issues. Please list open issues (e.g. links to
    known github issues in the project for the feature specification)
    whose resolution may introduce web compat/interop risk (e.g.,
    changing to naming or structure of the API in a
    non-backward-compatible way).


    Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status


    This intent message was generated by Chrome Platform Status

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