On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 2:04 AM Yoav Weiss (@Shopify) <
yoavwe...@chromium.org> wrote:

> On Friday, July 19, 2024 at 6:56:59 PM UTC+2 Mike Taylor wrote:
>> LGTM1
>> On 7/17/24 5:24 PM, Alex Turner wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 11:03 AM Mike Taylor <miketa...@chromium.org>
>> wrote:
>>> On 7/12/24 10:44 AM, Alex Turner wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 11:25 AM Mike Taylor <miketa...@chromium.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 7/8/24 4:05 PM, Alex Turner wrote:
>>>> Interoperability and Compatibility
>>>> The Aggregation Service (used to process the aggregatable reports)
>>>> typically allows its releases to be used for up to six months. To reduce
>>>> the compatibility impact of this change, we are waiting until all current
>>>> Aggregation Service releases support the new version before rolling to
>>>> Stable.
>>>> Can you say more about this? How many parties are running these
>>>> services, and do we have any way of knowing what the uptake of new versions
>>>> is, or said differently - can we tell if they're still on older versions?
>>>> Also, what happens if you send the filter ID to an older version?
>>> The Aggregation Service in general has a six-month support schedule
>>> <https://github.com/privacysandbox/aggregation-service/wiki/Aggregation-Service-release-and-end%E2%80%90of%E2%80%90support-plan#release-and-end-of-support-schedules>,
>>> i.e. attempts to use a release more than six months after it was released
>>> will fail. Currently, there are three Aggregation Service releases that are
>>> available for use (2.3, 2.4, 2.5). All previous releases (2.2 and before)
>>> have already reached end-of-support and can no longer be used.
>>> I see - thanks. Just a few more questions to help me understand:
>>> There's mention of an image hash allowlist - presumably this is how you
>>> enforce versioning on the server side. Is that correct?
>> Yep, exactly.
>>> Release 2.3 does not support the new report format, but we have
>>> announced it will reach end-of-support on August 2nd, i.e. before M128
>>> reaches Stable. (Note that we have already enabled the feature on Canary
>>> for testing.) Attempting to process reports with the new “1.0” report
>>> version on this release will result in the aggregation job failing with a
>>> descriptive error message. In this case, however, no budget will be
>>> consumed and the aggregation can be re-attempted (either on a newer release
>>> or after excluding the “1.0” reports).
>>> Why doesn't this count as a breaking change, per your wiki page? Or the
>>> idea is you don't need to rev the major version number because it will be
>>> unsupported before this feature is usable in Chrome stable?
>> The Aggregation Service versioning scheme applies to server-side changes
>> only. That is, a breaking change is one that would require an active
>> migration for a partner when they update their Aggregation Service release.
>> As the processing changes on the server are backwards compatible (more
>> detail below), we haven't updated the major version.
>> When attempting to process the new “1.0” reports, the old Aggregation
>> Service releases (2.3 and before) error out and the new releases (2.4+)
>> succeed. So, we consider that new support to be backwards compatible
>> *server-side*.
>> OK - understood. These server errors won't affect clients sending the new
>> report version (and I realize I missed the distinction between report and
>> aggregation service version).
>> And when attempting to additionally specify custom filtering_ids *on the
>> server*, Aggregation Service release 2.4 doesn’t let you (always uses
>> the default, discussed below in more detail), while release 2.5 does let
>> you. So, that change should also count as backwards compatible.
>> Separately, there’s a question of whether the *browser-side* API change
>> (to change the report version/format) is backwards compatible. While
>> Aggregation Service release 2.3 is available, it is a breaking change. But,
>> it will be backwards compatible once all current Aggregation Service
>> releases support the report version (before M128 Stable).
>>> Release 2.4 supports the new report format, but it does not allow for
>>> filtering_ids to be specified for the aggregation; the default value ([0])
>>> is always used. On this release, existing flows that do not use the new
>>> feature will be unaffected by the report version change.
>>> This also feels like a breakage change to me - if I'm using a supported
>>> service version, but I can't use the updated report version because I will
>>> get unexpected/inconsistent behavior with 2.5.
>> Let me clarify the behavior of Releases 2.4 and 2.5 a bit. On the web API
>> after this change, you can optionally specify a filtering ID for each
>> histogram contribution; if you don’t, the default of 0 is used. On the
>> server API, you can optionally specify which filtering IDs to keep (i.e.
>> all histogram contributions with other filtering IDs are ignored for the
>> aggregation). If you don’t specify any (either because 2.4 doesn’t let you
>> or if you use the default in 2.5), the default of keeping just filtering ID
>> 0 is used.
>> So, any existing flows that don’t care about the new filtering ID feature
>> will behave exactly as before – all contributions are processed as they all
>> have the default filtering ID of 0. Additionally, 2.4 and 2.5 have
>> consistent behavior when no IDs are specified server-side. But, if you want
>> to process histogram contributions with other/non-default filtering IDs,
>> you need to upgrade to 2.5 as those contributions will always be ignored in
>> 2.4.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
>>> Release 2.5 supports the new report format and allows filtering_ids to
>>> be specified for the aggregation. Developers who want to use the new
>>> feature should upgrade to this release.
>>> We don't currently have metrics on usage of each Aggregation Service
>>> release, but plan to add those. Still, we have notified partners of these
>>> considerations through the API mailing lists
>>> <https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/shared-storage-api-announcements/c/qlL4kpdgvP0>.
>>> We'll also remind partners of the upcoming end-of-support.
>>> Thanks for the public comms - having some form of telemetry for
>>> aggregation service versions in the wild does seem useful.
>>> thanks,
>>> Mike
>> --
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