Le 11/10/2017 à 03:00, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
> That site should be inaccessible since the name the page has only says
> slackware.uk  if you run lynx and then go into
> http://slackware.uk/slint/x86_64/slint-testing
> Have cursor on top link in that directory and hit the = character and
> check the last mention of url: that comes up on the information page
> and you will find no mention of slint or slint-testing is made on that url.

Well, actually the website http://slackware.uk/ is operated, as
indicated in its web page by Darren 'Tadgy' Austin who kindly mirrors
for free Slackware and projects based on Slackware, including Slint.

I use http://slackware.uk/slint/ as main repository, as I am not allowed
to store publicly available ISO images and such and provide anonymous
FTP access on my shared hosting plan @ http://slint.fr and can't afford
a dedicated hosting plan. 

As an aside, I use http://slint.fr mostly as a wiki.

> Web page needs updating and local testing too.

Which web page, and what update is needed?
I'll do my best if you are kind enough to elaborate.

Don't be afraid to state the obvious: I am not skilled wrt web hosting
and my native language is French, so I could misinterpret information


Didier Spaier

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