I actually use mate 26.1.

On ubuntu mate 22.04, the problem doesnt appear.

W dniu 28.07.2023 o 17:58, Linux for blind general discussion pisze:
Are you using the Mate desktop?  Last time I tried Mint I noticed the version of ORCA was fairly old compared to Debian Bookworm.

On 7/27/2023 11:59 PM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Maybe a little off topic, but I am having some problem with the notification area in linux mint. When I try to move around the bottom panel, it seems to be completely inaccessible. The only thing I hear while moving is panel, panel, panel.... Can this be fixed somehow?

I currently using latest version of linux mint mate edition.

Ps. Sorry for the language errors, but I speak English quite poorly, and use a translator.

W dniu 21.07.2023 o 19:10, Linux for blind general discussion pisze:
I said Lightdm by mistake.  Under Mate the default window manager seems to be Marco.  You can change to the older one called Metacity.

On Debian this procedure works, and probbably would work on Mint.

apt install metacity

From your ID at the command prompt.

gsettings set org.mate.session.required-components windowmanager metacity

Then reboot.
To go back to Marco
gsettings set org.mate.session.required-components windowmanager marco

Then reboot.

You could try it if you keep getting hung and see if it makes a difference.  Maybe you have a different problem.

On 7/21/23 11:27, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Good morning,
If I do change my Window manager, that do you recommend I switch to?
Right now, I’m actually in a situation where a text-based login prompt comes up, rather than the one which is accessible with Orca.
This is because we had a huge storm come through last night.
Thankfully though, we didn’t have any significant damage to our property, other than a few trees tilted.
I left my Linux machine on during the storm & probably shouldn't have.
I also didn’t have it plugged into a UPS.
Jessica Dail

-----Original Message-----
From: Blinux-list <blinux-list-boun...@redhat.com> On Behalf Of Linux for blind general discussion
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 10:06
To: blinux-list@redhat.com
Subject: Re: Mint Installation?

      If you are running Mate, sometimes the Marco process becomes hung, which causes ORCA to seem hung.  If you press ORCA+space or try moving the mouse, it may get you out of the situation.  I'm not running Mint, but it happens on Debian and Ubuntu, and Mint is derived from Ubuntu.  A more permanent fix is to change to the Lightdm window manager, but it isn't a good long-term solution..

On 7/20/23 16:14, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Occasionally, I’ll experience Orca locking up.
When this happens, sometimes, it's only for a few seconds & other times, I have to wait as long as 5 or 10 minutes.
This can happen with any app.
How can I prevent this?
I’m working with a Dell precision 4800 which has 16GB of ram & a 1TB SSD.
So, based on that, what do you think would cause these issues?

On Jul 20, 2023, at 13:55, Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list@redhat.com> wrote:


I just recently install mint 21.2 on a laptop and so far i love it as well.


On 7/19/2023 09:48, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
I am a huge fan of podcasts!
I'd love to check out this program but before I proceed, I'd like to know if it'll work on Linux Min?
I just upgraded to Mint 21.2 last night & am loving it so far.

Jessica Dail
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