Now I'm curious...

Is there a way to get a report on any of the following?:

-The Installed size of a package and all it's dependencies.
-The download size of a package and all it's dependencies.
-The install size of a package, its dependencies, and its recommends.
-The download size of a package, its dependencies, and its recommends.

Preferably for Apt-based systems(I know Suse is RPM based, but I'm
typing this from a Debian box).

Aptitude includes fields for compressed(persumably the size of the
.deb) and uncompressed(presumably how much space the installed package
will take up) sizes for each package, but that's just for that package
itself(Aptitude reports 2093k compressed and 15m uncompressed for
Orca's size), so it's of limited use for packages that aren't
self-contained... and if the report could exclude sizes of shared
dependencies to things like python, an xserver, or a desktop meta
package, the things one would likely have installed even without the
target package, that would be even better...

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