Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
    DT> However I:

    DT> A) got intimidated by the prospect of dealing with the rfc
    DT> editor

been there, done that, I could volunteer to operate the xml2rfc and get
your document posted.  I think that this might be uptaked by the bmwg.

    DT> B) Have some sticky problems with two aspects of the test
    DT> methodology (and that's just what I know about) which I am
    DT> prototyping around.  Running the prototype tests on various real
    DT> networks has had very "interesting" results... (I do hope others
    DT> try the prototype tests, too, on their networks)

Others might be able to help with this.

    DT> I now plan (after feedback) to produce and submit this as a
    DT> standards track RFC in the march timeframe.

    DT> It would give me great joy to have this test series included in
    DT> various SLA metrics, in the long run.

good. Can I help?
I could create the -00 document from your .doc file?
I'll fork your dtaht repo.... I think that I can also
debianize your debloat.sh script, which I think is also in that repo.

Michael Richardson
-on the road-

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