
I've been lurking on the OpenWRT forum, looking to see when the CC builds
for the WRT1900AC stabilized, and they seem to be so (for a very "beta"-ish
version of stable).

So I went ahead and loaded up the daily ( CHAOS CALMER (Bleeding Edge,

After getting Luci and sqm-scripts installed, I did a few baseline tests.
Wifi to the MacBook Pro is...  broken.  30Mbps vs. 90+ on the stock
firmware.  iPhone is fine (80-90Mbps download speed from the internet).

After some rrul runs, this is what I ended up with:

sqm-scripts are set for:
100Mbps download
10Mbps upload
don't ignore

Here's a before run, with the stock firmware:

So, unfortunately, it's still leaving 50Mbps on the table.

However, if I set the ingress limit higher (130Mbps), buffering is still
controlled.  Not as well, though.  from +5ms to +10ms, with lots of
jitter.  But it still looks great to the dslreports test:

But the upside?  load is practically nil.  The WRT1900AC, with it's
dual-core processor is more than enough to keep up with this (from a load
point of view), but it seems like the bottleneck isn't the raw CPU power

I'll get a writeup with graphs on the blog tomorrow (I hope).

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