On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 2:58 PM Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 2:39 PM Benjamin Cronce <bcro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 3:57 PM Dave Taht <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 1:11 PM Benjamin Cronce <bcro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Maybe the Bobbie idea already would do this, but I did not see it 
> >> > explicitly mentioned on its wiki.
> >>
> >> you are basically correct below. bobbie's core idea was a kinder,
> >> gentler, deficit mode policer, with something fq_codel-like aimed at
> >> reducing accumulated bytes to below the set rate.
> >>
> >> this is way different from conventional policers
> >>
> >> > The below is all about shaping ingress, not egress.
> >> >
> >> > My issue is that my ISP already does a good job with their AQM but 
> >> > nothing is perfect and their implementation of rate limiting has a kind 
> >> > of burst at the start. According to speedtests, my 250Mb connection 
> >> > starts off around 500Mb/s and slowly drops over the next few seconds 
> >> > until a near perfect 250Mb/s steady state.
> >>
> >> ideally their htb shaper would use fq_codel as the underlying qdisc.
> >> Or at least reduce their burst size to something saner. I hope it's
> >> not a policer.
> >>
> >> You can usually "see" a policer in action. Long strings of packets are
> >> dropped in a row.
> >
> >
> > I feel as if this new configuration is not quite a policer as it feels much 
> > less abrupt as the old configuration. It used to have massive loss spikes 
> > that wrecked havoc on other flows and make the fat TCP flows have a kind of 
> > rebound. Their newer setup seems to be gentler. While there is an increased 
> > rate of loss as it attempt to "slowly" settle at the provisioned rate, it's 
> > not like the cliff it used to be, it actually has a slope.
> well, ask 'em.
> >>
> >>
> >> > The burst at the beginning adds a certain amount of destabilization to 
> >> > the TCP flows since the window quickly grows to 500Mb and then has to 
> >> > backdown by dropping. If I add my own traffic shaping and AQM, I can 
> >> > reduce the reported TCP retransmissions from ~3% to ~0.1%.
> >>
> >> sure.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >> > The problem that I'm getting is by adding my own shaping, a measurable 
> >> > amount of the benefit of their AQM is lost. While I am limited to Codel, 
> >> > HFSC+Codel, or FairQ+Codel for now, I am actually doing a worse job of 
> >> > anti-bufferbloat than my ISP is. Fewer latency spices according to 
> >> > DSLReports.
> >>
> >> ? measured how.
> >
> > Just looking visual at the DSLReport graphs, I more normally see maybe a 
> > few 40ms-150ms ping spikes, while my own attempts to shape can get me 
> > several 300ms spikes. I would really need a lot more samples and actually 
> > run the numbers on them, but just causally looking at them, I get the sense 
> > that mine is worse.
> too gentle we are perhaps. out of cpu you may be.
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >> > This also does not touch on that the act of adding back-pressure in its 
> >> > nature increases latency. I cannot say if it's a fundamental requirement 
> >> > in order to better my current situation, but I am curious if there's a 
> >> > better way. A thought that came to me is that like Bobbie, do a light 
> >> > touch as the packets have already made their way and you don't want to 
> >> > aggressively drop packets, but at the same time, I want the packets that 
> >> > already made the journey to mostly unhindered enter my network.
> >> >
> >> > That's when I thought of a backpressure-less AQM.
> >>
> >> I like the restating of what policers do....
> >
> > I think I need to look at the definition of a policer. I always through 
> > them as a strict cut-off. I'm not talking about mass dropping packets 
> > beyond a rate, just doing something like Codel where a packet here and 
> > there get dropped at an increasing rate until the observed rate normalizes.
> bobs below the set rate long enough to drain the queue upstream.

> >>
> >>
> >> >Instead of having backpressure and measuring sojourn time as a function 
> >> >of how long it takes packets to get scheduled, predict an estimated 
> >> >sojourn time based on the observed rate of flow, but allow packets to 
> >> >immediately vacate the queue. The AQM would either mark ECN or drop the 
> >> >packet, but never delay the packet.
> >>
> >> aqms don't delay packets. shapers do.
> >
> > My described "AQM" is not a shaper in that it does not schedule 
> > packets(possibly FIFO and at line rate), but does understand bandwidth. It 
> > neither delays packets nor has a strict cut-off. It essentially would allow 
> > packets to flow through at line rate, but if the "average" rate gets too 
> > high, it may decide to drop/mark the next packet. It might be described as 
> > bufferless shaping where the goal is to minimize packet-loss. Shaping 
> > purely by a gentle rate of increasing loss.
> sure.
> >
> > Of course this whole thought may be total rubbish, but I figured I'd throw 
> > it out there.
> not rubbish, could be better than policing.
> >>
> >>
> >> > In summary, my ISP seems to have better latency with their AQM, but due 
> >> > to their shaper, loss during the burst is much higher than desirable.
> >> >
> >> > Maybe this will be mostly moot once I get fq_codel going on pfSense, but 
> >> > I do find it an interesting issue.
> >>
> >> I thought it's been in there for a while?
> >
> > Technically, but not practically. It should be easily available via the UI 
> > with 2.4.4 which is slowly nearing release.
> >>
> >>
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > Bloat mailing list
> >> > Bloat@lists.bufferbloat.net
> >> > https://lists.bufferbloat.net/listinfo/bloat
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Dave Täht
> >> CEO, TekLibre, LLC
> >> http://www.teklibre.com
> >> Tel: 1-669-226-2619
> --
> Dave Täht
> CEO, TekLibre, LLC
> http://www.teklibre.com
> Tel: 1-669-226-2619


Dave Täht
CEO, TekLibre, LLC
Tel: 1-669-226-2619
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