On 2018-08-23 7:35 p.m., Sebastian Moeller wrote:
On Aug 24, 2018, at 00:32, Mikael Abrahamsson <swm...@swm.pp.se> wrote:

On Thu, 23 Aug 2018, Sebastian Moeller wrote:
router should be able to handle at least the sold plan's bandwidth with its 
main CPU...)

Looking at this as an economic decision, were I a modern ISP, I would want

 * as few different devices as possible
 * good margins on each

and I would not care about whether the smarts were in the CPU or a controller, as my only interests would lie in solving an linear programming problem for the least cost in base cost, inventory and replacement costs.

A quick look at Tek Savvy (our best non-monopolist isp) shows that have one modem they rent...

plus a large list of ones they support for a given speed range, from which they chose their best priced one:

Manufacturer    Model    Hardware Version    Firmware Version

Cisco    DPC3848N    2.0    dpc3800-v303r2042161-160115a

Cisco    DPC3848V    1.0    dpc3800-v303r2042162-160115a

Technicolor    DPC3848V    1.0    dpc3800-v303r2042162-160620a*<- their 

Technicolor    TC4350    3.0    50041.1.19.0

Hitron    CDA3    1A

Hitron    CDA3-35    1.A

TP-Link    TC7650    1.0    v1.0.3 Build 20161117 Rel358190

Hitron    CGNM-3550    1A

Hitron    CGN3-RES    1A

SmartRG    SR808ac    1.0


David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
dav...@spamcop.net           |                      -- Mark Twain

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