On 2019-03-20 4:29 p.m., David Lang wrote:

On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, David Collier-Brown wrote:

On 2019-03-20 10:28 a.m., Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

This isn't a resource problem, it's a code problem. The IETF wants 10-15 year old hosts to be able to connect to a network and perform basic networking. It might not be very optimized, but the basic function should be there. New functionality can optimize for different factors, but making older host stop working is frowned upon.

Fortunately this is a solved problem in capacity planning: you replace machines often enough that they're not constantly out of service being repaired. 10 to 15 human-years is the equivalent of 70 to 105 of the dog-years we use in this silly business (;-))

I have quite a number of consumer devices from 2000 or earlier still running, consumer endpoints (aka IoT devices) do not get updated very much, if at all.

David Lang

Interesting thought: I wasn't expecting consumer devices from 14 years ago! What do you have?

In our house,

 * the cable modem is about a year old,
 * it's predecessor was about 5 when it died,
 * the old printer was 3 years old
 * the new one is about 4
 * my homemade PVR is about 6, and is starting to look elderly, and
 * the old cable box was about 3,
 * the new one about one
 * and my netbook is older than the PVR by maybe a year or so (;-))

(I intentionally skipped IOT devices, as I expect they could change/pivot hugely about the time the market starts to mature,

David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
dav...@spamcop.net           |                      -- Mark Twain

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