Hi Dave,

fun fact, the draft is titled "Identifying and Handling Non Queue Building 
Flows in a Bottleneck Link".
To which the _only_ and obvious answer is one does this by by observing 
flow-behavior on the element that egresses into the bottleneck link.
Case closed, Nothing to see folks, you can go home...  ;)
(I have started to read this thing ages ago and blissfully forgot all about it, 
time to read it agian?)

Best Regards

> On Aug 24, 2019, at 16:57, Dave Taht <d...@taht.net> wrote:
> I decided that perhaps it would be best if we tried harder
> to live within the ietf's processes for calm, reasoned discussion
> But in trying to review this internet draft...
> https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-white-tsvwg-nqb-02.html
> I couldn't help myself, and my review is here:
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tsvwg/hZGjm899t87YZl9JJUOWQq4KBsk
> If someone could make something constructive out of that, great. It
> would be good to have a really clear definition of what we mean by
> sparse, and good definition and defense on our website of the properties
> and benefits of fair queueing. 
> And I'm going to go off today and try to do something nice for a small
> animal, a widow, or an orphan. Maybe plant some flowers.
> Some days it doesn't pay to read your accrued inbox messages. Today
> was one of them. You needen't read mine either!
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