Hi Jonathan,

> On Nov 30, 2019, at 02:39, Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't see what you gain by going after the Prague requirements. They're 
>> internal requirements for a TCP that would fulfill the L4S goals if 
>> classified into the L4S side of a DualQ AQM: 'Packet Identification' means 
>> that the L4S AQM can identify L4S supporting flows. This seems like a 
>> distraction from your main pitch to me. It would seem better to compare 
>> against the actual goals of L4S (AFAICT, low latency at the 99th percentile, 
>> in the presence of Reno-compatible flows, with some fairness requirement 
>> which I increasingly don't understand).
> We're certainly not treating the Prague Requirements as our only goals.  We 
> just looked over them and realised we do sufficiently well on them already to 
> compare favourably against L4S.  They are failing on their own merits.  Like 
> it or not, we are somewhat in competition with them in IETF space, so this 
> sort of comparison should help to bolster our standing.
> A brief summary of the Prague Requirements:
> 1: Packet Identifier.
> We ID ourselves as RFC-3168 compliant using ECT(0), because we are.
> L4S has to identify itself more specifically to the network, because it is 
> *not* RFC-3168 compliant.  It additionally relies on AQMs in the network 
> understanding this distinction, which at present none do.  We would much 
> prefer that they use a DSCP for this purpose, but at present they use ECT(1).
> 2: Accurate ECN Feedback.
> We use a spare bit in the header of TCP acks to feed back SCE marks, and the 
> existing ECE/CWR mechanism from RFC-3168 unchanged for CE marks.  The SCE 
> feedback is "accurate" but not "reliable", because it can tolerate large 
> errors (as much as 100% relative) without departing the control loop.  The 
> scheme is very simple and straightforward to implement at the receiver, and 
> interpret at the sender.
> L4S uses AccECN to give CE mark feedback that is both "accurate" and 
> "reliable".  It is a somewhat complex specification which takes over three 
> TCP header bits, including the two used for RFC-3168 feedback.

Question: How feasible would it be for any SCE aware transport protocol to 
evaluate AccECN?  This might make sense if not viewed from a technical but from 
a ietf politics perspective?
I personally believe, that if the ECN feedback woukd e really important it 
should be packeged into TCP data as the payload has some delivery guarantees, 
while ACKs are effectively best effort (tangent: and this is why I consider ACK 
filtering/compression as abominations which should be counted against any 
guarantee the contract with the traffic-carrier entails, not that this helps 
end customers).

> 3: TCP-friendly response to packet loss.
> Both SCE and L4S do this without difficulty.
> 4: TCP-friendly response to RFC-3168 CE marking.
> SCE does this by design, retaining the existing feedback mechanism for CE 
> marks and implementing an RFC-8511 (ABE) compliant response in each of the 
> TCP algorithms presented so far.  We can do this easily because CE and SCE 
> information from the network is unambiguous.
> L4S presently does not do this, largely because CE marks from RFC-3168 AQMs 
> are not easily distinguished vice CE marks from an L4S AQM.  They seem to be 
> working on some sort of solution, but it has not yet been demonstrated to 
> work, and their paper describing it leaves a lot of open questions (including 
> tuning constants).  That we saw no demonstration of it at IETF-106 (indeed 
> they even skipped over their planned talk on it in a side session dedicated 
> to L4S) suggests to me that they found flaws that were difficult to overcome 
> at short notice, and possibly even managed to look bad next to our 
> demonstration of jitter tolerance at the Hackathon.

        I fear that they will come up with something that in reality will a) by 
opt-out, that is they will assume L4S-style feedback until reluctantly 
convinced that the bottleneck marker is rfc3160-compliant and hence wib) 
trigger too late c) trigger to rarely to be actually helpful in reality, but 
might show a good enough effort to push L4S past issue #16.

> This point has always been the main difference between L4S and SCE.
> ll 
> 5: Reduced RTT dependence
> This is a mathematically interesting requirement which, at present, neither 
> L4S nor SCE meets.
> Fundamentally, any two flows following the same congestion-signal response 
> which makes average cwnd dependent solely on marking probability, and which 
> share the same bottleneck queue and AQM and therefore experience the same 
> marking probability, will converge to the same average cwnd and their 
> relative throughputs will therefore be inversely proportional to their RTTs.  
> This adequately describes both the pure AIMD response of Reno, and the 
> so-called 1/p response of DCTCP (which TCP Prague apes slavishly).
> The steady-state cwnd formula for CUBIC, however, is a function of both p(CE) 
> and RTT, such that its throughput should be proportional to the reciprocal 
> quartic root of RTT, rather than linearly reciprocal.  This assumes that 
> CUBIC is not in its Reno compatibility regime, of course.  So CUBIC is the 
> standard to beat, or at least match, for this requirement.

        "Funny" story, looking at figure 6 of Høiland-Jørgensen T, Hurtig P, 
Brunstrom A (2015) The Good, the Bad and the WiFi: Modern AQMs in a residential 
setting. Computer Networks 89:90–106. shows clearly that a) single queue Pie 
(the AQM L4S inflicts upon at least the standard compliant traffic) causes 
worse RTT dependence than pfifo_fast and that fq_codel actually does (mostly) 
better, so by avoiding FQ like the devil, the L4S team shoots their own foot. 

Best Regards

> As I mentioned, I have an idea for how to do this.  I've seen no evidence 
> that the L4S team have any equivalent ideas; again, they're failing their own 
> requirements.
> 6: Scale down to fractional effective cwnd.
> We technically achieve this with our preferred choice of pacing parameters, 
> reducing send rate to 80% of a segment per RTT at the min-cwnd of 2 segments. 
>  We could easily do better with different pacing ratios.
> L4S have apparently implemented a packet size adjustment.  We haven't tried 
> it out yet, but we'll take their word for it for the moment.  There's no 
> inherent technical reason why we couldn't do the same.
> 7: Reordering tolerance on time basis (ie. RACK).
> Both SCE and L4S inherit this capability from the Linux TCP stack, so it's 
> not a problem.  FreeBSD also has a RACK compliant TCP stack which is being 
> stabilised.
> Other criteria which we are actively considering are listed in, for example, 
> RFC-5033.  That makes a fun read if you're a masochist; I wonder about Pete 
> sometimes.  :-)
> - Jonathan Morton
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