On Mon, 4 May 2020 18:51:59 +0300
Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You should set the qdisc and those options on the *physical* device,
> not the one that carries your uncompressed data.  Don't forget to set
> up ingress shaping as well as egress.
Not sure what you are trying to say here.
The physical interface is usb0 and it carries uncompressed data - the
tun0 interface however is compressing the data.
Another point would be to the shaper all traffic looks the same if I
use OpenVPN and shape the physical interface. So I should shape the
tun0 interface and let all traffic go through it.

I can set max mtu in OpenVPN too. So correct me if I am wrong, but I
think I should shape the tun0 interface.


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