On Mon, 5 Apr 2021, Rich Brown wrote:

Next question...

2) All network equipment can be bloated. I have seen (but not really followed) 
controversy regarding the amount of buffering needed in the Data Center. Is it worth 
having the Wikipedia article distinguish between Data Center equipment and CPE/home/last 
mile equipment? Similarly, is the "bloat condition" and its mitigation 
qualitatively different between those applications? Finally, do any of us know how 
frequently data centers/backbone ISPs experience buffer-induced latencies? What's the 
magnitude of the impact?

the bandwidth available in datacenters is high enough that it's much harder to run into grief there (recognizing that not every piece of datacenter equipment is hooked to 100G circuits)

I think it's best to talk about excessive buffers in terms of time rather than bytes, and you can then show the difference between two buffers of the same size, one connected to a 10Mb (or 1Mb) DSL upload vs 100G datacenter circuit. After that one example, the rest of the article can talk about time and it will be globally applicable.

David Lang
Bloat mailing list

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