Jonathan Morton <> wrote:
    > So instead of just loading ready-made bags of firewood into my trailer,
    > I have to wait for the trimming team to get around to taking the
    > branches off "my" tree which is waiting behind a dozen others.  The
    > branches then go into a big stack of branches waiting for the chopping
    > machine.  When they eventually get around to chopping those, the
    > firewood is carefully put in a separate pile, waiting for the weighing
    > and bagging.

Your analogy is definitely the result of optimizing for batches rather than 
(JIT manufacturing in general and much of _The Goal_ talks about the business 
side of
this, btw)

But, I don't think that it's a great explanation for grandma.
The fetching milk analogy is a bit better, but still not great.

John@matrix8, how did it work for you?

Explaining this is pretty important.

(Thanks for the slide Jonathan)

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